BOB Hurricane hull

does anyone have any reviews about the hurricane hulls, I will be putting a wamiltons 772 big bore in it and im
not sure if I want to just do the glass layup or spend the extra on carbon for and 18lb diff. would like some more riders info on it before I shell out $6k thanks guys


anchorage ak
They're great. Flip and spin crazy easy. Also ride well for mild boat chasing. I gps'ed mine going over 50. And I only have a 760. Check out my build thread. Or follow me on Instagram @michaeljwolcott. I have a bunch of pics and videos on there.


anchorage ak
I like my fiberglass but I definitely would've gone carbon if I could afford it. 18 lbs is huge IMHO and the strength and durability is also a huge improvement.
sweet, yeah been thinking on saving up and just doing the carbonfiber layup but I want it now so bad, but I guess it would be well worth the wait


My home away from home.
I'm also running a glass hull and it's awesome. So is my son and we're loving the ride. Like said above, it flips and spins real good. And it will chase a boat down, which is semi rare for a flatwater hull. We've chased quite a few up here and it does good. If I had the cash I'd do a carbon for flat, but if I had even more, I'd keep my glass for surf. Looking forward to getting it in the surf, because I think it will do really well.


Team PHP
The carbon pro is awesome! Just got mine built a few weeks ago and am loving it! I'm a big guy and the hull is strong and nimble. Check my build thread. Tommygunz Php 898 Carbon Hurricane Pro Build.


breaking something
I bought @Tommygunz old Hurricane hull (carbon). I'm running a 781 @JetManiac motor with a 155 mag pump and Power Factor Pipe. I only have 2 days on my completed build but this hull will chase boats, flip, carve, slide, spin, and whatever you want to do with it. I think it rides similar to a xscream DVX. I'm 6'3" and 205lbs and I really couldn't be happier with how it rides. Don't hesitate buying one. Also I picked my hull up used and before I bought it the Ski Clinic was very helpful and answered all my questions.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
I rode SpaceCowboy's Hurricane with both a JM781 set up and a PHP898. Let me first start off by saying riding it with the PHP was a bad decision (now I want to build an identical setup)! The hull rides amazing and the engine is Phenomenal (I'll review that in separate thread). The Hurricane suits my riding style, it hooks to the water when you want it to and doesn't release when you are not expecting it. In comparison to the DVX, the Hurricane hooks to the water more like a SXR, while the DVX is more superjetish (this is my opinion). In conclusion, if I were in the market for a Flat Water ski, There is only three calls I would need to make: Derrick Jr, Zach at PHP, and Jetmaniac.
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