Super Jet bought my first square nose


SuperJet Jake
so i bought my first sn sj yesterday. was looking for one for my gf/ back up ski but they were going for a lot. looked online yesterday morning and bamm... 91 sn sj for 900. called the guy immediately and he still had it. he said 5 people wanted it but couldnt come today. got lucky and he was only 10 mins from my house. now shes all mine :woot:photo (3).JPGphoto (4).JPG

took it to the lake yesterday and it ran awesome. had such a blast on it. didnt even ride my rn sj.

now i want to start tearing into it. what should i do first ??


SuperJet Jake
got the graphics off yesterday and brought the hood with me to work today. Gonna do some wet sanding and get the hood ready for some paint. question ? ive read a couple posts on here about using some rustoleam paint to oaint the hood but never really got an answer on how good it came out. im planning on just using some for the whole ski and wet sanding the first couple coats to get it decent. anybody have any info on it ?


SuperJet Jake
like the regular automotive spray paint ? the ski is white just faded from the sun and all the stickers they peeled off this thing so im think im gonna keep it white and just change the color of the pole....or get an ac aluminum pole. havent decided yet.


Arlington TX
Rattle can! She'll probably wreck it anyway. LOL

I would install a limiting rope if either one of you plan on riding aggressively. New turf if it needs it, maybe a foot strap or foot holds.


SuperJet Jake
yeah thats true lol. shes the " they must have put bumpers on the side for a reason" type of chick. lol those are her exact words. but i wanna make it so its set up for her and me if i wanted to just go out and mess around. i think im gonna do foot straps instead of foot holds. turf definately maybe a limit rope and some bolt ons. need bars as the stock ones i feel like its a little kid bike. ive seen a lot of people get the stronger pole bracket. is that something i should consider ? id only be using it for the lake


SuperJet Jake
didnt get much done. had a death in the family so things are rough. i looked at it more yesterday and it has a protec ride plate and an r&d intake grate. the protec plate is a little bent at the end probably from someone droping the back end. should i get a new one ? is the plate any good for freestyle ?
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