New Brand new (take off) Yamaha 62T cases, cyl, bed plate and intake

I got a brand new 62T engine from YAMAHA and will only use the crankshaft.

Brand new cases, bed plates, intake w/reed, cylinder (62T) and flywheel cover.

Taking offers in PM.

Shipping or pickup in south Florida.


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Sorry for that BK.
Forgot X rules.

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Here’s whats still for sale with prices...

Cases + bedplate + front cover US$600.00

Intake + reeds US$200.00

Prices plus shipping.

Parts are brand new. Never fired. Removed from VX700 shortblock.

Parts will be shipped from Miami.

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Still for sale or trade for other Yamaha parts... electrics, handlepole, cyl head,...

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Must sell.
I will let it go for 600.00 plus shipping and PP fees.

Cases+bedplate+front cover+intake w/reeds.


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You said you only used the crank. I, like many would probably jump on it for $600 if it was sold as a 62T minus the crank - so cylinders/pistons/cases etc.
The problem is most people already have things like the bedplates and cover, etc. BEAUTIFUL unmolested setup for sure. Good luck with the sale!
You said you only used the crank. I, like many would probably jump on it for $600 if it was sold as a 62T minus the crank - so cylinders/pistons/cases etc.
The problem is most people already have things like the bedplates and cover, etc. BEAUTIFUL unmolested setup for sure. Good luck with the sale!

Yeah but my buddy needed the cylinder.

Retail price for cases only is higher than this... reed cages/intake is also something that people need.

Thanks for comment anyway.

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