Break in or not?


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at peace
Err, absolutely.

That's what break-in is about. Breaking in the new bore, rings, and piston.


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Cleveland Ohio
Yep. Throw it together, don't go past 2/3 throttle for the first tank and run a little extra oil... Then rip it. :cool2:


High on jetskis.
this is a HUGE argument. personally i just take it easy until i know its not going to explode from say a weak circlip. then its good to go.

the theory is like this...
back in the day motors were not made with nearly the precision that they are made with today. the honing techniques, the cylinder piston and ring diameters, and bearings to name a few were all different. when motors were ran to there full potential right off the bat issues, like blowby, were had. the lack of perfection meant these parts needed to be gently worn into the natural running positions. hence the name BREAK in.
nowadays our motor parts are near perfect right from the factory so that break in is greatly reduced or even eliminated. the "problem" arises when the motor is ran slowly the rings and seals dont seat properly from the beginning and then get stuck in the wrong spot when the operator finally decides to open it up for the first time. exessive "break" in. blowby is the main issue in a topend.

i dont believe running it wfo right away is good, and spending time heat cycling and riding around at just above idle isnt good either.

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA

you come out to pismo yet?

I stopped by at the freeride and watched from a distance for a little bit. I was on a mini-vacation with my daughter, who is way more interested in riding quads than watching jetskis, so I didn't talk to anybody. I will get out there with my ski one of these days though! I was thinking of trying (another beach nearby) ; ) first b/c the waves are smaller.
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addicted to my superjet
riverside ca
what other oil is good to use as break in oil? i run klotz ski craft, but since its a synthetic oil i don't think it would be good to use for break in... can yamalube be used?


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Yamalube will work at a higher mixing ratio but it doesn't contain any detergent additives to aid ring-seating and carry away particles.

The SBT break-in oil is $9.75 a quart and highly recommended.

Proper break-in of your engine is the most critical aspect for determining the longevity and performance of your engine. Engines not properly broken-in will often fail within the first minutes of operation. Ring failure and piston seizure are the most common symptoms of an improper break-in procedure.

During the first 10 gallons of gasoline, there should be NO full throttle operation. First idle the engine for about 10 minutes to ensure that the engine is properly warmed-up. Then begin varying the throttle position up and down, up to 20% throttle for a half hour. Then come back and let the engine cool off completely - it should be a good 30 min break. After it cools down, you may now ride it up to 50% throttle for another half hour or so. Then come back again and let it completely cool down again. Now you can go out and ride up to 90% throttle. Continue this for the remainder of the 10 gallons, never holding one throttle position for more than a few seconds. Do not run at a steady throttle position and do not go to 100% throttle. After your first tank of gas, replace your plugs with fresh ones. For the second tank, you may ride normally with one exception - do not hold it at 100% throttle for more than a few seconds. After the second tank of gas, you are completely broken in and may ride anyway you like.

NONE of the engine break-in can be done out of the water!

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
Geneva convention

Yamalube will work at a higher mixing ratio but it doesn't contain any detergent additives to aid ring-seating and carry away particles.

The SBT break-in oil is $9.75 a quart and highly recommended.

Proper break-in of your engine is the most critical aspect for determining the longevity and performance of your engine. Engines not properly broken-in will often fail within the first minutes of operation. Ring failure and piston seizure are the most common symptoms of an improper break-in procedure.

During the first 10 gallons of gasoline, there should be NO full throttle operation. First idle the engine for about 10 minutes to ensure that the engine is properly warmed-up. Then begin varying the throttle position up and down, up to 20% throttle for a half hour. Then come back and let the engine cool off completely - it should be a good 30 min break. After it cools down, you may now ride it up to 50% throttle for another half hour or so. Then come back again and let it completely cool down again. Now you can go out and ride up to 90% throttle. Continue this for the remainder of the 10 gallons, never holding one throttle position for more than a few seconds. Do not run at a steady throttle position and do not go to 100% throttle. After your first tank of gas, replace your plugs with fresh ones. For the second tank, you may ride normally with one exception - do not hold it at 100% throttle for more than a few seconds. After the second tank of gas, you are completely broken in and may ride anyway you like.

NONE of the engine break-in can be done out of the water!

This has got to be against the rules of the Geneva Convention
Pay attention to your piston clearence and combustion temps. These two parameters determine whether the engine will survive its first full throttle pass.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I know how to pay attention to clearances.
You wanna let us know how to pay attention to combustion temps? (Short of an EGT?)


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Yep... having the right cylinder clearance per application is very essential, also honing the cylinder with 280 grit crosshatch is important to ensure proper ring seal and adequate lubrication during the break-in procedure.
If you suspect that the pistons are fitted tight then adjust the carb so that it is noticably rich and give it some run time. If there is plenty of clearence then few precautions are nessessary.


I've got the glow
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Mental note, Mark is not allowed to break my ski in.
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