Bring First Aid Kits

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This is on a beach w/ desiganated Beach Patrol (paramedics) and voulenteer(sp) rescue personal w/ years experience.. there will be no need for first aid kits outside of what you normally bring to the beach.

The zone will be plenty big enough for people to ride w/o fear of coliding w/ others... Another thing... I would never send out 15 people at one time for a competition... I don't know whare you got that idea??? The Cherry Buster comp will be 5 riders at a time, like I posted in the thread. If you ride like you normally do (just paying attention) you will be fine.

Also, if you come out and attempt a BF in 3 ft of water, we'll send flowers to your funeral... All beaches are shallow... kind of goes w/ the territory, since it is a beach and beaches are where the seea meets the land... It's funny, I know.

The concept would be to go out to where the bigger waves are breaking on the outside break and work them. I ride in shallow, cause I know what I'm doing, if you don't then don't....
That's why you go to the outside break. In the summer, you're lucky to get one, but from what I've seen so far this fall/winter, the windswell is usually enough to give you an outside break. The wind just makes it harder to get a clean and comfortable setup.
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