I'm new on this forum, I found some very interesting posts on carbs jetting there. But I would like to have some specific advices on my Setup... Which is not traditionnal.
Her is my 1997 Superjet setup :
-62T cases with 64X cranck
-83mm ported 61X cylinder with Wiseco pistons (5-6 hours sice fresh bore)
-Thundercats dome Girdled head with 35.8cc domes => 170/170PSI
-Coffman lightning Dry Exhauste (the purple big one that looks like the FP Type 9)
-R&D intake manifold ported for VFORCE reeds
-VFORCE2 Reeds (new)
-Dual 44's Buckshot with RIVA air filters
-Modified Stock CDI
I was actually runing 2.3/65g => 15PSI, 110L/110H. The jet is running perfectly in high RPMs, but was not very powerfull in the low RPMs.
I think I had some reeds problems (stock one, but petals are dead). So I changed for VFORCE, but I didn't already test it.
With the 65g spring it happens that my carb leaked.
For this reason, I would like to try a higher popoff setup like : 2.0 / 80gr with 120L / 100H.
What do you think about that ?
PS : I already asked some tips on PWCToday and already got some answers from Waxhead, but, this is very difficult to find a setup for these carbs. I'm still searching for the drem setup :d
I'm new on this forum, I found some very interesting posts on carbs jetting there. But I would like to have some specific advices on my Setup... Which is not traditionnal.
Her is my 1997 Superjet setup :
-62T cases with 64X cranck
-83mm ported 61X cylinder with Wiseco pistons (5-6 hours sice fresh bore)
-Thundercats dome Girdled head with 35.8cc domes => 170/170PSI
-Coffman lightning Dry Exhauste (the purple big one that looks like the FP Type 9)
-R&D intake manifold ported for VFORCE reeds
-VFORCE2 Reeds (new)
-Dual 44's Buckshot with RIVA air filters
-Modified Stock CDI
I was actually runing 2.3/65g => 15PSI, 110L/110H. The jet is running perfectly in high RPMs, but was not very powerfull in the low RPMs.
I think I had some reeds problems (stock one, but petals are dead). So I changed for VFORCE, but I didn't already test it.
With the 65g spring it happens that my carb leaked.
For this reason, I would like to try a higher popoff setup like : 2.0 / 80gr with 120L / 100H.
What do you think about that ?
PS : I already asked some tips on PWCToday and already got some answers from Waxhead, but, this is very difficult to find a setup for these carbs. I'm still searching for the drem setup :d