I recently tried 105Low 115Main with 2.3/80g spring.
I just have a random hesitation when leaving the idle. If à Pass the idle hole, the jet is awsome ! everywhere, even in he bottom end.
If i put the jet face to a wall and I open full throttle, it dies.
So my popoff is too low...
The popoff is measured at 15PSI...
I think I shouldn't get lower (carb shall leak at lowers popoff ??)
Maybe I could compensate this too low popoff by adding some prefilters on my very permissive RIVA aifilters ?? Or going to a stock airbox ?
when I get the carbs, I have 2.5/95 setup.
Can someone explain to me what is the difference between a buckshot and other carbs construction for the low RPM circuit ??
As I can see, buckshot have one bypass hole and 4 low speed holes...
OK, but some modified mikuni carbs have the same holes... So what is making these carbs to have no bottom end response like everybody tells ????
Other question, I know that my jet setup seems to be OK. In which propotions shall I decrease my low jet when I lower the popoff ??
For example if I go 2.5/80 shall i use 100/115 ??
PS : Superjett, I tried all your tests, to set the Low speed screw this is an easy way to find the goo setup.
-From idling, opening full throttle : it dies. opening slowly to full throttle, it revs very wellonce the hole is passed.
-from 1/4 throttle, opeing full throttle, No hesitation, crisp response, the same for the 1/2 Throttle test.
I just have a random hesitation when leaving the idle. If à Pass the idle hole, the jet is awsome ! everywhere, even in he bottom end.
If i put the jet face to a wall and I open full throttle, it dies.
So my popoff is too low...
The popoff is measured at 15PSI...
I think I shouldn't get lower (carb shall leak at lowers popoff ??)
Maybe I could compensate this too low popoff by adding some prefilters on my very permissive RIVA aifilters ?? Or going to a stock airbox ?
when I get the carbs, I have 2.5/95 setup.
Can someone explain to me what is the difference between a buckshot and other carbs construction for the low RPM circuit ??
As I can see, buckshot have one bypass hole and 4 low speed holes...
OK, but some modified mikuni carbs have the same holes... So what is making these carbs to have no bottom end response like everybody tells ????
Other question, I know that my jet setup seems to be OK. In which propotions shall I decrease my low jet when I lower the popoff ??
For example if I go 2.5/80 shall i use 100/115 ??
PS : Superjett, I tried all your tests, to set the Low speed screw this is an easy way to find the goo setup.
-From idling, opening full throttle : it dies. opening slowly to full throttle, it revs very wellonce the hole is passed.
-from 1/4 throttle, opeing full throttle, No hesitation, crisp response, the same for the 1/2 Throttle test.
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