Surfriding Building a fr2

Hey guys want to know is there any hidden costs building rickter fr2 evo. I have 2003 jet ready to strip. Will ride plate and stock water box fit battery box etc.
any real feedback over evo to standard fr2
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Ride plate will not work.

water box will.

I am talking about a FR-2 not the evo never built one of those.

You need to address the mid shaft with a spacer or CF extended rickter coupler.

Steering cable can be a issue depends on pole length.

I would get the spray guard for the front it is not necessary but does work well and gives you a place to grab when transporting it. If installed right you can pick the ski up with it.
For the evo you need a rideplate, longer steering cable(SN or blowsion or thrust has one made for the fr2 or evo) longer rrp tubes if thats the pole you are using.
I just ordered a fr2 evo1 and should be seeing it by the end of the month, i will post a build thread and let you know if I run into any other issues. this is a good build thread to look at as well.

CamoJoe hit it right on the head.

Stock water box works, I'm going to swap in an New Style X-Metal box for a better fit. My Gas Tank fits a little crooked now.

But yeah;
Ride Plate
Longer RRP pole tubes 28"
Longer Steering Cable - I'd do the Thrust Cable if I had to do it again

Aside from that, access to basic tools, socket set, and a grinder and your ready to build.

I'd go with the Evo 1 over the standard FR2. There are many improvements.
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How much longer must the steering cable be? Will a stock sn one do, I don't know which one to go for I suppose the evo 1 should be the best build quality.
Did yours come with pole pad and breaters fear?
How much longer must the steering cable be? Will a stock sn one do, I don't know which one to go for I suppose the evo 1 should be the best build quality.
Did yours come with pole pad and breaters fear?

A stock SN cable will work, but thrust has a cable that is the right length for the fr2. I believe it comes with the pole pad on the hood and the breather tube.

Well I was just in your shoes about pulling the trigger on a fr2 or the fr2 evo and after talking with T.C. for a little bit I decided with the evo.
Yes it comes with the pole pad (on the hood),pole bracket, hood hooks (hull side), hood, pump bolts, ride plate bolts, and extenders for your couplers. I have a stock SN one in my ski. Was hardly long enough but worked. The Thrust one is prob the best bet and about the same price.

If your trying to decide between the standard FR2 and the FR2 Evo there is no question which to go with. Im not even going to elaborate on it.
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How much longer must the steering cable be? Will a stock sn one do, I don't know which one to go for I suppose the evo 1 should be the best build quality.
Did yours come with pole pad and breaters fear?

I just re-read this, my ski came with the pole pad on the hood, yes. I was thinking of the chin pad (not included). Sorry.
Ya these questions that have baffled jet ski scientists for years, black or White, I want White but he only had black in stock and would have to want till feb for white
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