Building my own jetski pond


tobacco grower
tobacco valley
before you do anything go talk to your local wetlands official. I'm also a farmer in conn. we raise tobacco for cigar rapper. we always try to do "midnight operations" so nobody knows whats going on but I wouldn't mess with wetlands. also, don't plant any cat tails! the spread like wildfire and are a breeding ground for leeches! I almost died when I was a kid from a septic infection brought on by a leech bite! hate those stinkin things!

Half flip95

Formerly pondracer95
jetski ponds.

They are expensive to build. lake liner aint cheap.

your going to want to call it an irrigation resevoir.

8ft deep in the middle and 4ft on the sides is plenty

give a good shape with some curvatures and throw some buoys out there. very fun to have a super tight course with buoys and shore line.

dont give noobies a fast ski on a tight course with lots of shoreline. people will get hurt.
I believe there are solar powered aerators on the market, no idea of the cost or size. algaecides or copper sulfate will work depending on the type of algae there but can get expensive depending on frequency and volume treated, as far as impact on fish.. none, copper sulfate is used as a antimicrobial in the aquarium trade. for a at home wave generator i would picture someone like the wave generators at water parks... just a flap that goes back and forth, or since your planning on running it off a pto drive maybe some type of oblong/oval thing on a long axle?


#Itsonlymoney !!!!!
Dirty south
Chad , is that 60k in Confederate dollars or Federal. Please clarify ...... Damn Carpet baggers

Haha, what scares me is the median household income at $11k. (true number $11,237 in 2011) And its not warm enough there in winter for me to use in a snowbird situation right now. BUT values are CHEAP!
Just to update this thread with the status of my pond- it's better. I bought a small compressor (also serves as my vacuum pump for glass work) and have been using it to aerate the pond in my back yard. Compared to this time last year, which is when we moved in and the warmest and nastiest time for the pond, visibility has about doubled from about 8-10 inches to now about 18-24 inches, the water smells less or not at all, the fish seem happier, and it's generally more pleasant to ride in and let the dog swim in. Overall, I'm pleased (despite the neighbor yelling at me because my wake was going to destroy his bulkhead...!).
Bump for an update! Did you figure out how to add waves?
Bump for an update! Did you figure out how to add waves?

Had a crappie year on the farm last year so I put the pond off. I'm hoping to start around the middle of July this summer. I have a 28 yard scraper lined up that I'm going to be pulling with my 435 quad trac. I'll post pics of the project. As for the wave machine I haven't put any thought into it. I would just like to get the pond done.
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