Buy leak down kit?

Watcon! Awesome, going to order one.

For the harbor Freight model, that wouldn't have all the correct block off plates would it? Is that just the pump/guage? I'm going to order the correct watcon on, but curious about what you'd get from HF.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
just get some pipe plugs from an auto part store or hardware store....

You can get the vacuum pump (mighty vac) at any auto part store

Plug the exhaust manifold and intake manifold with the 3 plugs you bought... hook up the mighty vac to your pulse fitting...

Pump to 8 psi and let it sit for 15 minutes and make sure it doesnt leak any air...
I use the sewer test plugs also. Works great and you don't need a special block off for each ski you work on.

I had read on here that they make a sewer test plug with a gage and a shrader valve. So that you could just turn the pressure down on your air compressor and use that? I don't know but I haven't found one.
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