So I'm not usually on the Buzzard Bus, but maybe I'm coming around....... just a little. I gotta give props on the immediate, like don't even take a breath 180 turn after he lands to get back in front of the boat and go again. That's humpin it. Cardio fo sho... I'd be dead.
You ever try to throw a roll the other way Buzz? With all the boats y'all seem to get, looks like you'd have opportunity to learn it.
very few guys in this game can spin both ways on rolls or flat spins. we usually see those that can, at the top of the heap, competing. maybe after i get my XS1200 chan, i'll try some the other way, since i'll be going about a 1/2mph. not a good idea to try rolling the opposite direction at 30mph. i've already got a big dent in my leg from learning rolls the first time and since i do this for no other reason than adrenalin fun, injuries are not part of the fun.
i love chasing boats! pure adrenalin! its like a combination of freestyle and racing. you hit the wake and do a flip or roll, then haul ass as fast as you can, over the swells, over other chop coming from all directions, watching out so you dont get ran over by some sitdown, boater or other knucklehead,trying not to get tossed off, just to do it all over again. usually the boat wake doesnt last for long or long enough,but windmill has some 2-4 mile runs. a couple years ago, i chased a boat and they counted 60 non stop rolls. i chased that same boat earlier and asked if they were counting. i did just as many on that run or more. thats over 100 rolls on just that one boat and there are always more than one big one.
def dave has better stamina than i do and has a physic like bruce lee.