makin' legs
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Believe it or not, I do have the background for figuring out water routing, it's called years of heat transfer/fluid flow classes and experience.
Just blindly following someone's advice that a 4mm restrictor is fine, then going from 50F to 80F water or vice versa *could* result in major engine damage. Learning to check your outlet temperature which is a very basic measurement/test can save a lot of headache.
The problem with saying "use a 4mm restrictor" is that may work for that specific routing with that specific water temp/type (salt vs fresh), and as you mention, there are so many factors involved (i.d. of the fittings used which varies quite a bit, where the pump is tapped, etc etc) that it may not be a valid recommendation, plus Art or Paul or Chuckie or whoever may have done that setup in completely different water temperature than the end user, or not understand that they ride 50F water in early spring.
In the end, it's better to learn a little and understand what's going on and get the end result which is enough water pressure to prevent hot spots from localized boiling and proper engine operating temperature.
Or just install a thermostat!:Banane01:
Are you saying your builder doesn't ask you what temps you ride in? If so, you should get another builder. For that matter, why not learn a bit and do it all? Port your own motor, mod your own carbs, cut back your own props. I know when I get recommendatins from Art he asks 1000 questions that are very particualr to my setup. That's why I know it's correct. Even if you get the temps correct for your motor there are many way to change things to make the package work better. Freestyle guys tend to go by what feels better or worse rather than objective measurements such as tach or radar. Feel is very subjective and can lead to doing things that may seem better, but are actually not optimum.