Super Jet Calling all mechanics......i need serious help!!!!!!

My old ski kept having plug fouling issues with the outer wears I was using, I was using them because of my side draft setup, ditched the outer wears, no more plug problems.

1. When you pulled the plug that killed the ski, did you check to see if it was still producing fire?

2. if it is running good when you put new plugs in, then I would say it is fouling the plugs. running way too fat on that cylinder for some reason, try leaning that carb and see what happens, Did you check pop off?


yes wire was still producing spark (my dad can atest to that, he was standing in water and got a shock he will never forget).

thought about the two cylinders needing different settings as far as carbs, they are currently tuned the same, but do you think they could need to be tuned differently from one another?

carbs jets with needle and seats and carb specs somewhere, will post them when i find them
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Lol.. Thats why I was asking if you checked pop off pressure, Because if one carb is out of wack then you should try adjusting them differently, There is alot of factors that come in to play when tuning carbs, Just try leaning out the cylinder that your having problems with, if it just takes a small adjustment to fix then just run with it, but if you have to lean it alot then tear the carb down and see whats up.


Braap Certified
Blue Springs, MO
Do you have an air leak and the motor is starting to lean out and trying to seize up a bit? If you have good compression, no blow by and with everything else you tried I would look for an air leak possibly.


what does the pulse coil do? That is the only one of the three coils that i have not replaced......other than that i have no idea. i have the jet sizing and needle and seat written down somewhere, i will post them. Is it possible i could be over jetted? because from what my father says we are only turned out 3/8-1/2 on the high end screws


here is a question.....and we are getting desperate for ideas to fix this thing, would a worn down start stop switch cause the electrical to cut in and out fast enough that it would loose spark then gain it back and eventually foil a plug? it seemed like this weekend and last weekend the problem was turning more toward the electrical side. once of twice, when you hit a bump it might cut out or cut in and out fast then finally all together. it has to be electrical, could it still possibly be the pulse coil? what does the pulse coil do?
Just an idea, but could this be a weak ground? Seems to run fine on a weak spark until the plug gets a bit carboned... then it has a hard time making connection?

Just throwing it out there.
that is something to look into, tonight we are tearing into the start stop switch and going to check the ground

Don't just check your switch, check your battery ground as well. It may look good, but if your cable is old...just replace it. If you've been in the ebox, your ebox grounds should also be considered into your troubleshooting.


Braap Certified
Blue Springs, MO
Also check your plug in connecters from the start/stop switch to the ebox. the connectors are on the right side by the bulk head. I had a problem there with them not making good contact. Everytime I would land from a jump it would cause a bad connection. Just make sure the connectors fit tight and there is no corrosion on the pins and zip tie them up tight. The problem just sounds weird since it will run for a bit then when the engine gets good and hot it starts loosing power. Thats why I was wondering about a lean condition. Just bring that ski to the invasion and someone will probably figure it out. See ya there


ISJWTA Member #007

I decided tonight to start testing every wire I have on the boat for continuity (tester has a tone setting) - I pulled the stop/start switch open, and I opened the e-box. Began checking the wires from the plugs just outside the e-box to the inner connectors, and when I got to the inline fuse I started getting some funky music - I pulled the fuse section completely off and took to my bench to further test. The fuse wasn't seating in the holder very good, and with an assistant holding the tester leads to the harness, found I could shake the fuse holder and it was chirping all over the place (bad connection). I pulled the fuse, and squeezed the end cups in each side of the holder so that when I put the (new) fuse in it actually 'bit into' the fuse. Then I pushed it back together and taped it up really good so no chance of coming back apart. NOW the tester shows continuous connection, absolutely no break in the signal.

I don't want to get too excited about this, but it seems to somewhat explain the symptoms - the sporadic stumbles, the fouling of the plugs with no real front or rear preference, the cutoff/stumble when hitting a wake hard, etc.

I may put it all back together tomorrow (after a little more looking around) and take to the local (non-pwc) lake to run on the trailer and see if it tries to stumble again :)

I decided tonight to start testing every wire I have on the boat for continuity (tester has a tone setting) - I pulled the stop/start switch open, and I opened the e-box. Began checking the wires from the plugs just outside the e-box to the inner connectors, and when I got to the inline fuse I started getting some funky music - I pulled the fuse section completely off and took to my bench to further test. The fuse wasn't seating in the holder very good, and with an assistant holding the tester leads to the harness, found I could shake the fuse holder and it was chirping all over the place (bad connection). I pulled the fuse, and squeezed the end cups in each side of the holder so that when I put the (new) fuse in it actually 'bit into' the fuse. Then I pushed it back together and taped it up really good so no chance of coming back apart. NOW the tester shows continuous connection, absolutely no break in the signal.

I don't want to get too excited about this, but it seems to somewhat explain the symptoms - the sporadic stumbles, the fouling of the plugs with no real front or rear preference, the cutoff/stumble when hitting a wake hard, etc.

I may put it all back together tomorrow (after a little more looking around) and take to the local (non-pwc) lake to run on the trailer and see if it tries to stumble again :)

Sounds like that could be the problem. Either way, we'll see you guys Sat at the ride!


ISJWTA Member #007
Yeah I called Art (been working with him a bit on this to rule out carbs as problem) and he said same thing. ARGH!! Oh well, the fix I did was not for nothing, it needed to be done anyway.

I just ordered a damn pulse coil, will be here friday (putting it on that night), and I'm also going to swap back out the Enhancer for the cdi from my boat (known good).
did you check the start stop? Mine did almost exactly what you describe, I eventually worked out it was the stop button on the start stop switch causing a missfire. I stripped it and cleaned it and its been all good since.


yes we checked it, it seemed ok, did some cleaning. andrew, did you have to do any adjustments to any of the actual connections internally, like bend the prongs to make better connections?
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