can 750 fit a 650sx


UK X-H20
UK West midlands
Hi i have the chance of a 750 sx/sxi motor for my 650sx, will it fit and will my electric box run the motor, is this an easy swop ????? as im thinking this would be a very easy power upgrade

It will physically fit, yes. You will either have to modify your cases to use your 650 Stator to use your electronics, because the 750 is different, or you'll need to use the 750 e-box. I would recommend modifying the 750 cases for 650 electrics, so you can use your existing stuff. Otherwise it will bolt right up. Go for it, you'll love the difference. And there are a ton of threads on how to mod the cases, or pretty much any engine builder will mod them for you if you ship the cases to them. Think it cost me around $60-$70 to have it done.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yep it will. I did this swap years ago for the first time with a 750 SS engine into my 1991 650 SX. It did run a lot better than the 650 I had but not the night and day difference I was expecting.

By the way do you still want that stock 650 SX ride plate? PM me your address. I am guessing shipping will be around 40 USD to the UK.


Life's Been Good
Upper Bucks, PA
There isn't a big jump going from a single carb 650 to a single carb 750 like there is on a Yamaha going from a 650 to a 701. Don't do the swap unless you have a solid 750/800 to throw in there. Those Single Carb Kawi's are very mild.
lol i'm going to do just the opposite, i have a 650 motor i'm stuffing into a 750 hull. my 650 motor has 750 cylinders and crank tho anyways.

i'ma try to use the e-box off the 750. i'll have to swap out the magneto and all that wont i? ehh we'll see

good luck zoom. shoot me that link when you find it!
Yeah you will have to use your 750 flywheel and stator to use the 750 ebox. Otherwise I think it should work.
You will have to take the flywheel cover off the 650, pull the flywheel, and then pull the stator. Then reinstall the 750 flywheel, and you will have to use the 750 flywheel cover, because it holds the 750 stator. Then you'll also need to plug the hole where the 650 wires come out of the back of the cases.
You'd probably be better off using 650 electrics.
haha i have terrible luck with yamaha's. and so do all the guys who i used to race quads with. my 400ex used to keep right with the yfz450!

but anyways. i havent ridden a superjet but it'd be nice to try


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
sheeeooot. i cant just switch where the wires go in the ebox?

If you dont have the 750 cover/stator/flywheel, it would probably be alot easier (and cheaper) to run the 650 electric. You cannot use a 750 stator and 650 ebox/cdi or a 650 stator and 750 ebox/coil. If you do use the 650 elec, bump the timing. It really wakes the 750's up on the lowend.

You'd probably be better off using 650 electrics.

Could not agree more.
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If you dont have the 750 cover/stator/flywheel, it would probably be alot easier (and cheaper) to run the 650 electric. You cannot use a 750 stator and 650 ebox/cdi or a 650 stator and 750 ebox/coil. If you do use the 650 elec, bump the timing. It really wakes the 750's up on the lowend.

Could not agree more.

I will have the everything , all the 750 elec is supposed to come with it, but even if my motor is already a 750 pretty much? (cylinders, the bottom case was milled out to fit a 750's crank) so onto my next question. would the 650 elec fit right where the 750 electrics go? i dont have this hull yet so i just gotta guess for now. same with my exhaust, i'm thinking i'll have enough room to run the 650's exhaust and just turn it around right at the end of the expansion chamber then go right to the facorty waterbox. but idk like i said i dont have it so all i can do is guess. or ask you guys
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Judging your cheapness
St Cloud Florida
750 swap

I did my swap this week and it worked great using the 650 wheel which is 1.5 lbs lighter than the 750, we also used the 650 stator and exhaust. The only problem we have now is the prop. We had a 15 degree aluminum which spins out so we tried a 8-16 and its better but spins easy too. Anyone figure out a good prop pitch???? I guess the 650 pump is smaller and needs a really steep prop.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yes. But the 750 prop and 650 props are different. If yoy want to use a 750 prop it has to be "set back." The two pumps/props are different as internally some. A lot of guys use a stock 800 SXR prop and have it set back to fit the 650 pump. The stock SXR prop is stainless.

Give Dave at Impros a call. He can assist you with a prop that would work best.
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