Freestyle Can a flywheel (lightened) go bad ?

I am still experiencing problems with my ski - and the problem is by time narrowed down to a few possible things.

I've found out that my ski only charges with approximately 12v, and when i check on other skies they charge with approx 13,5-14v.

Both times i've had the ski run awesome for like 20 minutes, i've had the flywheel off.

So now my question. Can the magnets in the flywheel go bad, so that the lightning and charging coil gets affected?



Yo hablo ingles
The gauss of constant magnets is constantly deteriorating, but its so slow that its hardly noticeable. I doubt thats your problem. It definitely wouldn't be working one day and not the next.
Yeah - its still the BOB all right :) The complete E-system is up for swap. And to reply on the other posts, all the coils on the stator has bin checked and is within tolerance. Also a complete stator has bin tried without luck. So without doubt - its NOT one of the coils on the stator.
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