Can I run ski without Waterbox ?


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
I wasnt trying to be a dick... I was trying to point out that it is annoying when people dont take the time to ask questions so people can understand them....

Since the dude IS foreign... which I guess I did not think about originally- I appologize, but his stupid poke at me is totally false. I do not try to come off in these boards as a know-it-all--> that is ridiculous...
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Life's Been Good
Upper Bucks, PA
I ride wih a guy who has an old 750 race ski. It doesn't have a waterbox and it is painfull to ride. Also when you land it tail first you can stall or bog down the engine beacause there is nothing stoping water from shooting back up the exhaust. When you wreck hard the pipe fills up with water and it is a bitch to get started. Next to drilling holes in the bottom of your hull it is probably the worst thing you can do unless you are using it for racing only.


O'K guys. Thanks for all yours feedback.
I didn't see "wanetbox" in my original post - it's was a misprint becouse I was trying to tipe faster then I really can
I didn't want to get behind somebody's skin.
It's looks like I'll be running some waterbox anyway so we all can sleep better now.
I got answer to my question.
One more time thanks everybody

P.S. The Penguin - You are the MAN
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Ok now for some decent advice,what I did on my x2 was this,I cut open the left footwell and defoamed it.I bought a PJS thru hull exhaust resonator from SWEETEMOS on Ebay,it was fairly cheap especially for what it was.Then I popped a hole in the front to put the tube through,another section of pipe and a piece of exhaust tubing with two clamps was used to extend the pipe,I ran it out the back clamped it down and refoamed the footwell.I then sanded the foam down even with the remaining footwell and glassed over it.The pipe sticks up a bit at the back,some padding and hydroturf will take care of that.So now I have a rear exhaust with no waterbox,exactly what you are trying to do.all you need is a 180 rubber hose and some exhaust hose to hook it up or you could put it in the right footwell and run the exhaust hose around the front using the stock aluminum exhaust connector pieces for an x2.
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