300/440/550 Can Old ski's compete with new ski's???


Ax Man
I know I am stirring up a hornet's nest here, but would really like some opinions? Can an older ski, say like a 440/550 be made to ride as well as say a newer Superjet or SX-R, especially in the chop? I remember a company called Venture waterworks that used to make a retrofit glue on hull for 440/550's. I realize riding skill plays a part in this. I would just like to see an old 440(maybe with an 800 motor) beat a pack of SX-R's on the line.


Анархия - мать порядка!
LOL... don't think so... but WAD will have a different opinion.
And I do want to see an 800 motor in a 440...
you would like to see it as in you dont think it can be done?

or you would simply just like to see it?

i see no reason for it not to happen. you can put a 750 in a js hull and the 800 is based on the same platform (i believe).

getting the pump to properly handle the water will be an issue though... unless you dont care about bottom end (racing).

anyone ever put chubbies on a js hull?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Crammit did................... Chubbies with a 650 mod engine...

problem is, most open class and limiteds are running upper 50's and some 60's......... granted on the course you dont run those speeds, now try to imagine a 550 at that speed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put someone like Jacobs, Fish, or Sheldon and it might be possible.......... but would still be a huge challenge, the SXR's just handle the chop really well.


Danger Zone
Colfax WA
I think that if you dump enough money into the ski then anything is possible with the right rider, however that being said. Wouldn't it be easier to start with an SJ or SXR? If you start with that then you are already over halfway there.

john zigler

Vendor Account
it would be like putting a big block in a chevette, and going road racing with new corvettes.

i had a mod 750 motor in a js hull years ago. it was fast, as long as you were going straight ( even then still scary at speed). IMO the extra weight made it handle even worse.


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I've ridden some way fast 550 hulled standups and anything over 50mph is pretty much like riding a marble,one wrong move and you are coming off and I do mean the hard way.If they want to race 550's they need to do so in a vintage class maybe along with 650's also,I really don't see how you could be competitive on one against the newer boats.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Damn. 550's are fun skis, but they simply are not big enough to handle well enough. I'll put it this way, the same rider will always beat himself with a SXR or a SJ compared to a 550 or 440.

It's wierd. Freestylers are constantly trying to make their SJ hulls more like 550s. (make em slide easier and lighter and smaller), but keep the SJ strength.

Racers are always trying to go bigger and heavier and wider and make it stick to the water better.

I am sure a 550 could drill a SXR or SJ with the same engine in a straight line with the right pump on glass, just because of the weight difference. One turn or some chop though and it is screwed
hey .. I just contacted a guy on ebay that claims his 550 conversion ski can go 63 mph ! ... somehow I dont think so .. i am also working on dropping a 650 with westcoast head 175 psi with westcoast pipe into a 440 hull just waiting on a few parts .... I dont expect to get into the 60s LOL was thinking maybe a tad over 50 if i am lucky .. here is the guys engine pic he sent me ... looks VERY nice ..


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