Can someone define "freeride" please

sxi steve

Life's short, have fun.
Clinton Twp, MI
I think the main ingredient in freeriding must contain the open ocean. This may not be "P/C" for those unfortunate land locked riders...but once you taste the salt, surf, sun, bikinis (10 months) and 78 degree average water temp you soon discover what East Coast Freeriding is all about.

Dang it, I'm jealous, you just painted a wonderful picture. I'm in Michigan.


New York Crew
Western New York
Freeride = The ability to be a contender and your biggest compettition is yourself and the limits you set. I believe that that the 65 year old gent that I see in the ocean where I ride with his standup that is normally cruising along is freeriding...., at his age barrel rolls and backflips are virtually impossible but I deem him to be as much a part of freestyle and freeride as everybody else. There are some of us that are born with a natural abilty to ride. I guess its like chess.... I play chess but I'm no where near world championship material. So am I a chess player or not.

I believe that freestyle and freeride should have an alternative meaning and it has become that without most of us realising it. Its a brotherhood of people, some skilled some not, be in the darkest hours we stand by each other and should. Take what happened to Joe Kenny and the way the PWC community stood by him.

Freeride / Freestyle = Courage, Compassion, respect, honesty and long as we uphold these values and show others their mistakes we truly become free to ride in style

That is awesome!

since i live on Lake Erie, which one day may be flat, and the next have 3-5 foot or even 6-8 foot waves, i don't like to define or limit myself to a "type" of riding. I just ride in whatever water conditions I have available. If it's nesessary to categorize me because I live on a lake not an ocean... go ahead... It doesn't change how I ride... or why I ride... or what riding does for me mentally, physically or spiritually (ok that was over the top but you get the idea.)
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So long and thanks for all the fish
It's interesting that I was probably 'freeriding' way before most people on here were even riding---1991 in charleston, then moved to Hawaii in 93---and I now live in Louisville and still consider myself to be freeriding.

I think most of the 'surf-only' guys have no clue what it's like to ride where I do, we don't just go to one spot and practice one trick after another.
Dang it, I'm jealous, you just painted a wonderful picture. I'm in Michigan.
Well, before you get all depressed and load your gun...

Hurricanes, overcrowded, snow birds call marine patrol on you because they think the public beaches are "their" private property, sea lice, surfers flip you off and always get to "the spot" first, speaking English is apparently optional, pwc racing here isn't what it once was...did I mention hurricanes?!

It's interesting that I was probably 'freeriding' way before most people on here were even riding---1991 in charleston, then moved to Hawaii in 93---and I now live in Louisville and still consider myself to be freeriding.

I think most of the 'surf-only' guys have no clue what it's like to ride where I do, we don't just go to one spot and practice one trick after another.

I have a few ideas, to change that. :biggthumpup:

Daytona Freeride 08 should be interesting.
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Well, before you get all depressed and load your gun...

Hurricanes, overcrowded, snow birds call marine patrol on you because they think the public beaches are "their" private property, sea lice, surfers flip you off and always get to "the spot" first, speaking English is apparently optional, pwc racing here isn't what it once was...did I mention hurricanes?!


sanford, you need to come up and ride with us one weekend....Yesterday there were 11 ski's, rippin' waves and NO HASSLES!


"Free" to me is almost the same as "open" like no constraints...

Even a freeride competition is actually freestyle, since you need to perform certian tricks to be scored... You can not go out and just do what ever and expect to win...


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
Freeride comps are not like Freestyle comps at all. And you don't just get scored for tricks. You also get scored for wave riding. Its more like a surfing comp than anything.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Funny, we were rippin' it pretty good on Lake Texoma yesterday with stabs from 8-10 ft in the air, no handers, barrel roll attempts (there's currently a bit of a competition in our little group as to who's going to get a full plate to plate first), etc. We had 30-40 ft cruisers laying down solid 4-5 ft wakes for us and cheering us on. Epic ride, I made my first true stab (my boys tell me I was around 8 ft up on one :cheer2::cheer::Banane09::woot: )

I can't wait to do it again! Everyone throwin' down what they got, having fun, cheering for each other, helping each other when the boat breaks, loaning the back up boat, that what it's all about, IMHO.



Freeride comps are not like Freestyle comps at all. And you don't just get scored for tricks. You also get scored for wave riding. Its more like a surfing comp than anything.

It's on a closed course and judged so it's freestyle... Surf riding tricks are practiced and are no different than any other manuver that will score points. I agree that wave riding doesn't really fall into the catagory of "freestyle", but since it is being done in a competition, it kinda is a form of it... I guess..


Tinkering obsessed
Austin, TX
It's on a closed course and judged so it's freestyle... Surf riding tricks are practiced and are no different than any other manuver that will score points. I agree that wave riding doesn't really fall into the catagory of "freestyle", but since it is being done in a competition, it kinda is a form of it... I guess..
I'm not really following you. Maybe we're both saying the same thing. The freestyle comps I've seen have been like ice skating comps with routines that were practiced. The freeride comps have been more like surfing comps where the riders make the best out of what they get showing finesse on the wave faces and altitude off the lips.


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
It's a song by the "Edgar Winter Group". Lyrics are here:

Mountain biking is where Wikipedia says the term originated. The entry for freeride describes the mountain biking version:

In general it seems like it can mean whatever you want it to mean. I've enjoyed the surf. Jumping the wake of an ocean going freighter that is going down the river at 12 MPH isn't bad either.


my clocks stuck on 4:20
i was freeriding my bmx bike in the earley 90's
to me its not having to ride by someone elses guidlines or rules
when your on your ski your free to do what ever you want
no work or school on your mind
no girl problems
not wandering what seats your putting in your dune buggy
no bs
just you and youre boat
if your on the coast you get to add some nice surf in there
i live 6 hrs from penguines house on the third coast and when i cant get down there we have a lake that has mini carnival cruiseliners that set me free
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