SX/SXi/SXi Pro Can someone give me good advice fast ... on sxi pro

I just picked up an 98 sxi pro . I had to drive 4 hours one way to pick it up. when i got there i did a comp test and the front had 150psi and the rear had 145 . It is in almost mint conditon. I was told that its been winterized for 2 years. I took it home drained the fuel and put new sparkplugs in. I put it in the water today , This is what happend . It idels fine , as soon as i get on the gas it took off . i was riding it at quater throttle and then cut out on me. The only way i could get it to start back up was to turn the choke half way on , get it going an gradualy turn the choke off . and then it would slowly die again , ect. It will run wide open . as soon as i slow down it dies . I relize i need to clean the carbs , they must be gumed up. but what im worried about is i did a comp test after i rode it and the front cyl still has 150psi , but the rear now has 134psi . im nervious i dameged the engine . I think it needs a topend now . so can anyone give me some advice on were i should get the pistons. And i was wondering if i could find a sxr cyl and topend . and it it would bolt wright up. I need avice asap . I just want to ride ....Thanks Frank....


One Of A K1nd
The Bay Area
u should always clean the carbs before u ride for the season, and especially when u buy a ski from somone. i just picked up a SPX (couch) was told the carbs were clean. come to find out, only one of them had been cleaned (was too lazy to take the other off the manifold to get to the filter) the rear carb was 85% plugged. the previous owner could have put a little oil in the spark plug hole prior to u doing the compression test to make it read a little higher(never know). i would def. pull the head and check the pistons/cylinders. if the rear carb was plugged, u were prolly running really lean and burned up a ring/piston. u can give these guys a call: u send htem ur top end, and they will send it back to u with new pistons and rings, bored over 1 size. just used them for a seadoo motor, did a nice job. if u can get a 800 cylinder and pistons, i believe they will bolt right up. (the 800 has better porting for low and top end...750 pros are ported for top end speed, and lack on the low end punch everyone is after) now would be the time to decide which route u are going for: Low end Brap, or Buoy shredding?


One Of A K1nd
The Bay Area
and just so were clear, u did add premix 2 stroke oil to the gas when u filled it back up after draining the gas tank, right?. i realize this might be a dumb question, but it does happen.
yes ... I run my skis 50to1. I have a guy that will look at the cylinders and mesure them and tell me what size piston and if i can just hone it out and get new rings. I want alot more low end , i can care less about top speed. So i think your telling me that i can just get an 800 cylinder and pistons and it will bolt write up. can i also use the same gasket kit for the 800? no modifications nessesary.


Don't follow my line.
[QUOTESo i think your telling me that i can just get an 800 cylinder and pistons and it will bolt write up. can i also use the same gasket kit for the 800? no modifications nessesary.[/QUOTE]

Yes.. no prob
Thanks guys , im going to look into 800 cylinder with pistons. and im going to try to get in touch with 509freerider. I might pull the head off today and take a look . BUt before i do that i will do another comp test.
If your starting with a stock ski I would highly suggest saving the cash for mods and just bore/port your stock cylinder and throw in a set of pro x pistons. Spend the money on the parts needed to wake the ski up like pipe, impeller, intake grate, pump cone ect. These parts are needed before you will notice the internal mods anyway.
You might check and see if water might have gotten into your fuel tank. This happened to me not to long ago and water was getting into the fuel tank, changed out the fuel and it ran fine.
I did another comp test , I droped about 4 drops of fuel on the piston and then tried it . The compression whent back up to 143 psi in the rear cyl. I pulled the carbs off and are going to clean them tonight. im almost 99% shore there clogged. Im going to try the ski after i clean them and see how it goes. And i will definaitly takes SKIPRO02 s advice. The ski currently has a R&D duel top loader. The only thing i worry about is porting . i dont want it to be a finiky ski. I want reliabilty. THanks guys and i will keep everyone posted .
That is the same thing I wanted out of my motor. I let a lot of new riders take it out and don't want to worry about it. The reason I'd hold off on the cyl and porting is bc of the amount of work and money it takes compared to the power results. I did a TON of work to my ski and yes it has more power but it's just too heavy to do what I want it to. I wish I would have spent my money on only the key needed items and saved the rest for a sj or a/m hull.
After cleaning the carbs the ski runs great. I just purchest the blowsin freestyle cone to help ttle on the lowend . im also thinking of having my freind mill the head . while the heads off , i want to add an extra cooling fitting on the head . Is there a spasific spot to add it? and can any one post a pic of were it needs to be. THanks
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