Can we make a westcoast free ride that everyone would want to attend ?

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1974 YZ 701
Can we make a free ride that everyone would want to attend ?

It's about time a free ride was done with X-h2o style !! (For the riders, By the riders)

All of you guys have come up with some great idea's and I would like to thank you all !

The idea of this ride is to get as many people together from around the country as possible for a westcoast ride !!

A few things that kept coming up (from shooting/receiving PM's around on here) on setting up a X-ride seems to be..
1. Giving enough notice, dates that allow the riders/family members a chance to attend (vacation's, time off, etc.)
2. Having the riders voice their idea's and see results..
3. As few unkown's.. (no secrets, no closed door decision making)

This is why I/we came to the idea of letting it go to the boards and let ALL of you make it a X-h2o riders ride !!

These are a few issues I think we need to get this X- ride off the starting block, IF you guys want to go for it !

1. A name for the ride...
2. A date that doesn't conflict with any other events and gives the whole family a chance to attend..
3. A location..(Pismo,Mexico,?)
4. A type of event, Basic soul surfing style?, Challange?, Competition?, All of these ?, or ?
5. Team up with the east coast guys with their competion ideas and go for a double wammy ?
( I was thinking early July for a best turn out and also the fall is booked up with great events, W/F,Smashing Pismo. The spring/summer would give a better chance for everyone to attend (schools out, vacatins, etc.) and also no rides are going on out here untill the fall..
I also would like to see something to get Ross and Pete to end this double roll thing ! )

We can run a poll on here for just about everything to make it truly a X-h2o rider's ride !!

A Committee/Consultation list has been formed (below) If one is needed..
Jr. (south)
Matt_E (north)
wildman326 (Mid)
PancakePete (East)
jetskier79 (west/so. cal)
norcal ex (west/no. cal)
I will volunteer to do the running/talking/setting up, sponsor hunting or whatever needs "leg work"
We can hand over duties to people who want to take charge of an idea (party, competion, raffle, bon fire, etc.)

Thanks. Butch
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LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
That sounds like an awesome idea.

As for as the ride goes, i think mexico would be hard for some people due to flying into somewhere near and then driving. I still think if its out west you'll have less turnout due to $$$ for plane tickets and such but i think you could get a bunch more if suited everybody.

Let me know if you need some sponsors. I can maybe get my dad to throw in some money or stuff from his company. ITs not a ski related company but it will be $$$.:biggthumpup:


thanks darin...noswad!
My brother and I were talking over dinner about hitting one big event this year, preferably on the west coast.


v Check out Little Matt_E
Kennewick, WA
Hell Yeah!!!!! We definitely need a freeride on the west coast!!!!

Cali might be easier (vs. Mexico) for some people.....might make for a bigger turnout.

Lets get this going!! It would be fun as hell!!


Sfl free since 3/28
anything westcoast pretty much counts everyone east of texas out. Its just not economical for people to travel that far for a weekend. Meet in a centralized location in the us, and go from there. That way, even the furthest drive is only 20~ hours ish.
I live in detroit, i'm 24 hours from Florida, 5 to chicago. New york is about 8. I'd go to florida, but the 3 day drive to california is just rediculous.
green is where i live, red is LA, it is 2800 miles each way. thats averages out to around 70 miles an hour for the duration of the trip

thats 5600 miles round trip and at the current price of gas its almost 900 bucks just in gas out and back for me to go to the west coast

i like the idea of a centralized free ride, i.e Texas

Galveston for me is 1500 miles
for the la people its like 1600 miles

nor cal people and new england people its about 400 miles more.

i think texas works because its a centralized location like i said before, its not like people have to drive all the way across the country and back

thats just my two cents but then again what do i know, i ride a couch.


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i don't mind driving but you have to take into account also some of the people going to this might also be racers and driving cross country twice, once for the free ride and once for havasu might not be feasible for them.

putting it in texas makes it less than a days drive for most people


1974 YZ 701
Im sure alot of guys out here have more than one ski and would be happy to see it ride rather than sit !! I will let anyone ride any of my ski's anytime !! I went to Texas last year and had a blast !! I brought 2 blasters and 2 Sjs.. the gas did run alot of money but i drove it in 2 days 1800 miles/10 miles to the gallon).. We could run a fund to get some east coast guys out here !! ??

There is already a Texas ride in March also.

In the spring texas has a 80% chance of being flat (i think from watching the texas surf cam last year) and cali has a 80% chance of good waves..

It can be a week long get together also ???? with a bash on the weekend ??
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Ann Arbor
Personally I would much rather drive 600 more miles if driving that far to go to the West Coast. I would not make a trip 1600 miles to ride in the Gulf. I also wouldnt make the trip alone and spend 900 in gas...I would get at least 4 to ride with my and split it to 175 a piece (very managable).

I dont like the idea of a central ride, why travel for far for flatwater? Not for me

But Cali in mid july? That i would do!


LKN Freestyle Militia
Lake norman, nc
The summer will start to get pretty packed with freerides and races and contest. Especcially if Nick, Pete and the guys in Va set up the East coast contests.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I can do spring or summer I think. Texas is a bit far though, at least for me. I don't mind driving 1000-1200 miles for good surf and lots of people from the board - but driving 2000+ miles each way for flat gulf is a bit much.

I understand that it will be hard to do for people from the east coast. Conversely, making ANY event other than the west coast is extremely hard to do for people from this side of the country.

I guess I'll need to know where it'll be and when - that will determine whether I can go or not. I will help with the organization for the northwest either way.

But Cali in mid july? That i would do!

100% agreed. JMHO, though.


1974 YZ 701
Ok It looks like Pismo will be better for alot of people for a free ride..

I feel that Mexico would be better if there was a competion to avoid red tape..

I think we may have to wait on a date untill the IJSBA sets their race dates..
or just say... ?? someone pick a date please !


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I think the sooner we pick a date, the easier it will be to plan for it for everyone.

I agree on California being a lot easier to do. Yeah, Mexico sounds nice, but Cali is a bit closer, I don't have to get special vehicle insurance, etc etc etc.
i thought the title of this thread was make a free ride that everyone can attend?

unless someone sticks a wave maker in the middle of galveston bay i don't think there will be a freeride that everyone can attend.
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Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Personally I think the whole "super dooper ride" thing is just more trouble and adding tot he bucket but I'm always excited about people hosting. Lanier and Daytona both allow a complete year for riders to adjust schedules because they will be a few days from the following year's date.

Also, dont make it too complex, it spoils the fun. Lanier and Daytona are on the edge for me with all the raffeling and such. Great fun but I dont wanna feal like I'm on a time frame. Just get a location to sleep, location to ride, location to party, throw in some pretty girls and you have yourself a freeride

why travel for far for flatwater?

Not 100% of about just riding a lake. It riding with people and friends you see once in a blue moon, haning out, partying that night, and all the rest of the crap.
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