Have not yet sent it off. Sent an email to Impros about getting it taken care of, but recieved this yesterday:
-----Original Message-----
impros@impros.com [mailto:impros@impros.com]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 6:58 PM
To: Michael H
Subject: Re: Blaster Impeller...
Due to a medical emergency with the owner, Impros will be closed for two weeks. We will open for business on Feb. 6, 2006.
We deeply value your business, and ask for your patience in this difficult time.
If you have parts here for service, or have already placed an order, there will be personnel here to process those orders, however they will not be able to service you via email or telephone.
Thank you so much for your patience, it means a great deal to us here. You, our customers are the livelihood of the owner.
Thank you
Brian Lentz,
A concerned friend of the owner.