carbs loading up after a nose stab


New York Crew
Western New York
you forget to try a different hood.........alzhiemers kicking in early Phil???

haha... yeah i think it is... i will try that tomorrow after work.

You're running racer jetting with that low pop-off pressure.

Do what you said and change it to a 2.0 & 95 gram spring but make sure you increase the main jet to about a 122.5 at the same time and the throttle response should be a lot crisper.

Thanks bro... I will do that. when the ski is flat it runs sick with the current jetting... i was thinking the low pop-off might be the culprit.

so where is the best place to order mikuni parts for a quick turn around? I can order through Riva, but they take a little too long to ship and their shipping can be very expensive for next day or second day.
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New York Crew
Western New York
well, I think I may have found some of my problem here... over the winter i thought i went through these carbs... i guess i did not.

I thought i was running this set up:

main 100 H 3/4 turn out
Pilot 115 L 3/4 turn out
2.3 N/S
65 gram spring

Last night I pulled the carbs apart to find i was actually running:

main 140 H 3/4 turn out
Pilot 120 L 3/4 turn out
2.5 N/S
65 gram spring

I just changed the specs over to the following last night:

main 122.5 H 1 turn out
Pilot 115 L 3/4 turn out
2.0 N/S
95 gram spring

I will be riding today after work to see how this set up goes. What a tool... I can't believe I never pulled them apart... or just got mixed up since last year i was running a set of red tops. Maybe I just have some short term memory issues... LOL


well, I think I may have found some of my problem here... over the winter i thought i went through these carbs... i guess i did not.

I thought i was running this set up:

main 100 H 3/4 turn out
Pilot 115 L 3/4 turn out
2.3 N/S
65 gram spring

Last night I pulled the carbs apart to find i was actually running:

main 140 H 3/4 turn out
Pilot 120 L 3/4 turn out
2.5 N/S
65 gram spring

I just changed the specs over to the following last night:

main 122.5 H 1 turn out
Pilot 115 L 3/4 turn out
2.0 N/S
95 gram spring

I will be riding today after work to see how this set up goes. What a tool... I can't believe I never pulled them apart... or just got mixed up since last year i was running a set of red tops. Maybe I just have some short term memory issues... LOL

HOLY Cow.... It's either going to pull your arms off or port your pistons! Maybe both lol.

Kawi 800

06' SXR
Harveys Lake PA
so myski runs great!! killer bottom end, throttle response and great accelleration.

I have everything dialed in pretty good except for one thing... when ever i do a nose stab (and it's only been flat water here so far) when i come out of it it feels like the carbs are either loading up or I'm getting water in them and it takes a few seconds to clear them out.QUOTE]

I have an SXR, dialed in great, great bottom end, great mid and top. I am having the same problem. I was thinking pop off springs as well. anyone know what the stock springs are on the stock SXR carbs there 40mm jetted with factory pipes specs Main jet: 152.5 front, 152.5 rear Pilot Jet: 80.


New York Crew
Western New York
those are some big jumps in jetting.. o_0
they all working for you pretty good?

new jetting worked great... still some fine tuning to do, but much much better now.

I would give the "different hood" idea a try.

the new jetting solved my loading up problem... did about 10 nose stabs (a few really deep ones) and it never loaded up... stayed crisp.

HOLY Cow.... It's either going to pull your arms off or port your pistons! Maybe both lol.

= )

I have an SXR, dialed in great, great bottom end, great mid and top. I am having the same problem. I was thinking pop off springs as well. anyone know what the stock springs are on the stock SXR carbs there 40mm jetted with factory pipes specs Main jet: 152.5 front, 152.5 rear Pilot Jet: 80.

PM Proformance1 (here on the X). He's done some jetting mods to his SXR. I rode it yesterday and it hits really nice and is very crisp. He had some loading up problems in the past with it... all solved now.
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