Cast RRP pole. what pole spring are you useing?

hey everyone. just bought a cast RRP for my RN superjet. i was wondering what pole springs everyone is useing. will my stock spring be enough? shound i go with blowsion? whats everyones running and why
I use a blowsion spring on my cast rrp pole assembly. Pole stays where its at. Spring seems to be good still. Even after shipping it around with the pole tied down.
The Blowsion spring is a lot stiffer so you may need to heat and re-clock one of the spring ends, like the end that sits on the RRP spring perch.

With other brand polls it can cause the poll to not lay down on the hood and be up a foot or more.

You could then run the poll tight so it stays put but then what's point of hassling installing the spring ?

I have the lightweight poll Which is still heavy and was thinking to run the stock spring instead of my Blowsion spring for this reason. So far I haven't installed it just been running it tight with the spacer.

Ideally i want to run a spring and a custom spacer. A guy on here made one, it was a stainless tube run inside the spring without the large ends like the RRP spacer has so it can pass inside the spring
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