Cast sleeves


Gorilla Smasher
Lebanon Pa
I don't get it first you didn't say what the cylinders were off of I guessed that one, we still don't know if it's a GP800 or an XLT800 and yes it will make a difference in selling price, how do you expect to get decent informative answers here without giving proper information, garbage in garbage out as the computer techs used to say.
I remember my first time being crucified here for giving Subpar information.. lol
Wonder why it's called a MOTORboat or MOTORcycle when they have ENGINES. I use both interchangeably.

almost as bad as calling a wheel a rim imo

If he sets popoff to 17.653 and adds 5 primers. Won't need a bore or coating. Will magically run perfect forever.


Gorilla Smasher
Lebanon Pa
Here we go again.. lol

He is right though the two terms are interchangeable if you go by the dictionary definition
You got me on the prop though haha
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