
Fro Diesel

creative control
Bring your HIN numbers and make sure they match your registration. I have been here since satuday, went to register today but got hung up on my HIN numbers. He couldn't see and ID tags on my ski and wanted to seize my ski..:doh:..? :no: They wouldn't let me ride. Drove all the way and the didn't even want my money....:17:

I guess they have had trouble recently with a bunch of stolen skis. Just heads up to everyone headed down. I tried to level with the guy an even thought about bribing him...but why let the guy profit?

Maybe....i can find the HIN number on my ski...:thinkerg:


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Bring your HIN numbers and make sure they match your registration. I have been here since satuday, went to register today but got hung up on my HIN numbers. He couldn't see and ID tags on my ski and wanted to seize my ski..:doh:..? :no: They wouldn't let me ride. Drove all the way and the didn't even want my money....:17:

I guess they have had trouble recently with a bunch of stolen skis. Just heads up to everyone headed down. I tried to level with the guy an even thought about bribing him...but why let the guy profit?

Maybe....i can find the HIN number on my ski...:thinkerg:

maybe you can find the hin at a local trophy shop.


Oh shiot.. that sucks.. I have same problem with my ski. Nj gives a Sticker HIN and it blew off last year. I did not think of getting a new one, because I have Current Registration. I leave tomorrow to head down.
So I am going to see what I can do tomorrow Am.:dunno:

Fro Diesel

creative control
yeah he was a total DIKKKK about it so u have to have it.... unless u dont get the captin
wich im sure hell be down there evry day

yeah, he said, " hope you find it; I'll be here all week." Even the other guys in blue tried to say stuff to get him to just let me out there. I think i may have "just left it off during the rebuild." Pretty sure we can find it in there somewhere. Wavedemon...if yo read this pm my your number. Thanks!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Thanks for the heads up!!! They pretty strict about fire ex. there? i got one strapped inside my motor compartment, cause "thats where i ride with it all year."
have it there for inspection. once you have the sticker you won't be bothered the rest of the time.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
how close do they look at fire extinguishers? mine is pretty rough, definitely does not work.

should I run with it, or should I plan on borrowing for inspection?
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