Chain oil


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
I wasalways a cheap @$$ and used a little old motor oil. But that will just all fling off and get over everything.

But when I splurged, I used Maxima chain wax.

Just make sure you always keep it lubed and adjusted. That will help keep the chain from wearing out the sprockets so fast. Replace the chain sooner than the average person and that will help the rear sprocket from wearing out sooner too. Also never powerwash your chain because you will wash out the greas held in by the o-rings from the factory. After that it won't take long for it to wear out riding in the mud.

Man I got to get me another bike after winter!



Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
THE BEST IS MAXIMA CHAIN WAX. HANDS DOWN. (except the grease that comes on your chain) it doesnt fling off everywhere like all the oils. I have used just about every thing in my days of racing and i perfer chain wax over anything else.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
The o-rings are there to try and contain the factory installed lubricant, over a period of time that lubricant makes it way past the o-rings,this is one reason you are never supposed to pressure wash an o-ring chain,the high pressure can make its way past the o-rings and destroy the factory installed lubricant, so regardless of what the chain mfg 's claim I suggest you lube your o-ring chain,there are many o-ring safe chain lubes,there would not be if they were not needed.The best time to lube your chain is after a ride just before you put the bike up and the chain is still warm.Lube it then and wipe the excess off before you ride next time that prevents most of the slingoff from occuring.
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I thought O-Ring chains don't really need anything because they are packed w/ grease...??

They are. A good enough supply for the life of the chain. The chains will rust though, so you need to prevent this.

wd40 about 2x a week

If it is an x-ring or o-ring chain, I totally agree with this. I recommend WD40 on the chain after every washing or everytime you clean your chain. I started doing this when o-rings became mainstream years ago with no negative results whatsoever. O-rings and X-ring chains lasted me at least 4-5 times as long as a standard or heavy duty chain.
Would that be the "retard rule?" haha

It must be, because that is the most retarded thing I have heard in a long time.

Please don't get offended. I am by no means calling you a retard. We all know you are an engineer.:bigok:

I know on some bikes the chain guide is smaller then an o-ring chain width.
Which bikes? Your Z50?

The chain guide has teflon or rubber type material in it. If it is tight, the chain will get iself to fit. I've never heard of a 125 and up mxer having a big problem using one of these chains. If I bought a new bike and it didn't have an o/x-ring chain on it, that would be one of the first things I would change!
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