Chain oil


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
No crap, the chain will wear itself into the chain guide? Man I learn something new every day...

Welcome back Hater Hypes!

I wouldn't run an o-ring chain on a 125 unless I rode in a bunch of mud. It will rob hp and 125's need all they can get. I wouldn't sweat it on those 200's though.

BTW I rode a real 250, not some little kids bike that 14 year old boys ride before they step up to the big bikes.


  • 98 YZ 250 with graphics (1).jpg
    98 YZ 250 with graphics (1).jpg
    86 KB · Views: 16
The tightness of the chain guide is very minimal in my experience. It is negligible. As far as robbing your bike of horsepower, the rolling resistance utilizing an x or o-ring chain is something you will never be able to notice. I swapped back and forth on 125's and 250's years ago when everyone first brought this up. Guess what. I couldn't tell a difference in my horsepower. And yes, I could ride the bike. Have you ever been able to tell a difference in robbed power? I already know the answer to my question. I also raced 250 2 strokes. With and without o/x ring chains. As far as your comment about you rode real 250's not a 14 year old kid's bike... I'll give you any real man's bike with the chain of your choice, and you can give me the kid's bike with an x-ring chain. You pick the track. Outdoor, arena, sx, whatever.... I'll lap you before you realize the mess you made in your pants when you cased the first jump you tried to hit.

No crap, the chain will wear itself into the chain guide? Man I learn something new every day...

Welcome back Hater Hypes!

I wouldn't run an o-ring chain on a 125 unless I rode in a bunch of mud. It will rob hp and 125's need all they can get. I wouldn't sweat it on those 200's though.

BTW I rode a real 250, not some little kids bike that 14 year old boys ride before they step up to the big bikes.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
We don't call him Dyno Dave for nothing YZ,its like he is a human dyno or something ,its pretty amazing actually when you think about it! How was the vacation YZ?
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