Changing CDI changes jetting requirements?


Urban redneck
Ok I know its not a superjet but its a 62t 701 so basically the same thing lol. My raider lost spark. Thing was a tank running perfectly for the 4yrs I've owned it. Eventually traced to a bad cdi. When I pulled the bad CDI out, I found it was a 6m6 unit. I put a 62t CDI in.
Now it runs poorly once warmed up. When cold, it fires up as soon as you touch the button with no choke. So I figured it was a bit rich and lowered low speed by a 1/2 turn on both carbs. Its better, but still not liking over half throttle so more tuning needed. And I already pulled them apart to confirm they are clean. The thing is, it ran absolutely perfect for the last 4yrs all over the place. So why is it all a sudden so off? I wouldn't think the CDI could do that.
I believe those CDI'S have different spark curves. That could influence mixture, I wouldn't think it would be enough to notice. But who knows. Do you have another 6m6 to try? I would do that out of curiosity. I think OCD has a thread where he mapped the spark curve of the factory cdi's


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Sacramento Delta
MSD Enhancer 650/701 CDI from @JetManiac.

I bought it two years ago and installed it in a 650 6m6, then took it out of the 650 two weeks ago and put it in a 701 61X.

Works friggin' great in both engines!

Ask JetManiac how it will work in a 701 62t

long beach local

long beach local
I dont think the cdi change would affect jetting much. Kinda sounds like it may be something in the stator if it runs poorly when it warms up the exciter coil could be broke down and have those symptoms and be hard to fix unless you can change out the stator. sometimes water get under the cover and eventually gives you problems, it happens quickly in salt water.
@bored&stroked, I tried a 62t Cdi in place of an Msd enhancer. I bought the cdi used on this site and swapped it in. The ski started and ran great and rode well, nearly the same as before and no feeling of tuning required.

The ski ran great like this for a day of riding, 6 gallons of fuel...then at the at the end of the ride I felt something and checked my fuel level, thought maybe I was running out of gas. Added fuel and rode a few more minutes and Headed back, no issues, Figured all was well..... the following day or weekend I rode again, After 20 minutes of riding it did it again, and kept getting worse the more I rode.

So when warm after 20 minutes or so it started jerking and missing/running rough under heavy throttle Type feeling, lacking power trying to jump a wake or begin to chase a boat, engine became very unhappy with heavy throttle input and it had trouble reving out cleanly intermittently, 1/4 and 1/2 throttle felt ok at times if you eased into it. So now Iam thinking I may have a coil or coil wire breaking down....

BUT, my ski used to run great for years so I wondered if the cause could be that used cdi I swapped in, might it be Oddly defective ?

So I went home swapped back the enhancer and rode the next day, the issues gone....

So it was a defective cdi ... maybe your cdi is also defective ?

It’s not the 61x to 62t cdi requiring a tuning change, as you can see in my case
@bored&stroked, I tried a 62t Cdi in place of an Msd enhancer. I bought the cdi used on this site.........

So it was a defective cdi ... maybe your cdi is also defective ?

This is a very possible scenerio. Almost the exact same thing happened to me years ago. I got pounded hard being towed by a couch who didn't know how to tow and got to the ramps with the ski half swamped. Got it running and burned the water out and called it a day.

Next ride the ski wont accelerate so i swap the cdi with a spare. I got one ride out of the spare and the next time I start the ski it just cranks and cranks. Won't fire for longer than a split second. That's when I upgraded and went MSD Enhancer.

CDI problems suck because they can look like other problems and when they go bad they don't just always fully quit.


Urban redneck
Lots of good options here.
I guess I'm gonna take it out again and try tuning it a little more and see what happens. If that doesn't work then I'll probably pull the cover and check the stator. We just tested the stator when diag'ing the lack of spark that turned out to be CDI so I'm hoping that's good to go. If it is then I'll just pony up for a new CDI instead of a used one.

john zigler

Vendor Account
Changing CDI's will not change fuel/jetting requirements.....

OE CDI's you should not mix/match with stators.

650/701 61x Stator is the same, and you can run either 61x or 6m6 CDI

62t is different. and you should run 62t CDI

I have tried mixing and matching and have had troubles similar to limp mode, rev limiter kicks in early, running on one cyl. This is with known good CDI's, and they run fine with proper stator.
Also test your coil before trying another CDI. It's an easy test. One multimeter probe in one plug boot, the other probe in the other boot and check resistance. Should be between 3.5 - 4.7 k ohms. I've had two coils flop on that test, switch out and problem solved. I've noticed when the coil starts going funny they tend to intermittently run on both cylinders, sounds kinda like an old Lawnboy on the water lol. If the coil passes that secondary winding test, then try the primary winding test inside the ebox since you might be in there anyway. Orange on one test lead, black on the other, 0.078 - 106 ohms is the spec.

Edit: While I'm thinking about it, I was able to drop in an enhancer while running my oem 38's even though they were set up on an oem CDI, at first start the enhancer revved the motor to the moon but afterward settled down. But, I just setup a pair of SBN 46's on the enhancer according to different specs right off the bench, it ran quite well until the enhancer started triggering backfires. When I first ran the enhancer on the 38's last year at the end of the season after it had it's little runaway fit, the ski would run for about a minute or so, then just shut down like the lanyard was pulled. It did this about a dozen times and for some reason cleared up. This year after getting the new 46's mounted up and set to go, just after getting them tuned with the enhancer still onboard something started causing a backfiring event. As soon as I would touch the start button a hard backfire would happen at the first compression/combustion and stop the engine rotation dead. That seemed to only happen on a cold engine. After it was running and warmed up it would start fine. Let it get cold and same deal, backfire at the first combustion stopping the engine dead. I pulled the enhancer after reading someone else had the exact same problem, swapped with an oem CDI and that was the end of the issues. I did the same, put an oem CDI back in and could not get that engine to run well worth beans. In fact I'm still chasing down the gremlins with suspicions that the enhancer's backfire may have tweaked my flywheel key. I'll know tomorrow but the point is, yes the CDI did make a difference on carb setup. I had those carbs tuned to where the enhancer seemed to like it and would peak that engine out extremely well. Not so for the stock unit though. I couldn't get the engine to run well on those particular carb setup specs. It was lazy and wouldn't get past about 6200 RPM. I had to change my jetting to make that happen. I have also read that the oem 38's are much more forgiving in an all around situation whereas the higher performance carbs like the 46's are a lot more picky about how finely tuned they want to be to run well.
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