Super Jet Changing Propeller?

Hey I recently bought a Skat-Trak 12-17 prop for my 07 Super Jet. I have the prop and drive shaft ripped off my ski but I cant seem to get the prop off of the shaft. Shes on there tighttt. Anyways im not to worried about that yet because I dont know if i have the right prop. The skat-trac looks alot shorter than the stock superjet one. It is about an inch or so shorter and doesnt have the hex fitting to hook a wrench onto. Will this skat-trac still work or do i need another part to extend it? Ill try and post a pic of the skat-trac I have and one that looks like the stock one. Anyways im open for suggestions. Ive searched the web and couldnt really find much. Also if you have any ideas of getting the prop off the shaft that would be great too. Sounds like lots of heat seems to help. Do i have to take it right off the bearing? Thanks


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Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
that scat prop is fine, use heat and remember reverse threads. use anti-seize on the threads when you put the new on. The scat prop requires a special hex tool that fits the inner diameter of the scat prop, like wise the solas props require a slightly different tool. also, you need a spline tool to hold the shaft in place in a vise. Be careful not to torque the shaft to much or they can and will snap, get the prop hub nice and hot and it should pop off. I believe i had a 13-17 prop on my ski at one time and it worked well.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Penetrating oil on the prop and keep filling it up letting it sit for a few days. Put the drive shaft spline holding tool in a vice. Have someone hold the pump and use an adjustable wrench to turn the prop. Heat the prop with a butane or whatever torch. Reverse thread to remove it. Mine made a loud pop when it came off, the. Came off super easy. Skat prop I have has hex like stock so it went right back on.
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