Took it to a machine shop today. He tried welding a hunk of metal to it an turning it. It would move some but kept breaking off. He tried about six times then decided to drill it out. Charged me $40 which I think is too much. I never said a word and paid him but I don't think I'll be going back to that shop. He had the cylinder about 45 minutes while I got a haircut. What do you guys think?
After he welded the metal to the bolt did he spray it down with WD40?? or something? wiggle, wiggle a little at a time.. he was in a hurry im sure.
What I actually do is drill a hole in the broken bolt and then put the smaller bolt in that hole and weld it in atleast two sides.
I have done this on broken starter bolts, manifold bolts. It works it just takes time.
If the guy drilled the bolt out and got the bolt out with good threads. 40 bucks is alot but no helicoil to worry about..
Now all you have to do is decide what your going back with on your bolts.
Loc tite or anti-sieze . Good luck