Check out my new tow vehicle for the Superjet

little bikes (xr50 pw50) don't come stock w/ clutch lever just weights and springs in clutch basket that engage via centrifugal force.

If you want to race/pull amazing wheelies then switching it to manual is the way to go. I got sick of the clutch freezing up in the winter while ice fishing (I also use it to tow my shanty) so switched her back.


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
I'll be damm I didn't know you could convert a centrifugal to a manual that is cool, Do you use honda part's to convert it or is it an aftermarket kit ? Nice tow vehicle by the way. Sorry for the thread jack just real curious about this clutch conversion.


whoomp there it is!
Umeå, Sweden
autoclutch is the shizzle hate 5tis with manual. but if you race manual is the way to go. but for playing around auto is much more fun and playing is what i do ;)
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