Check your waterlines and check them often!!


Go big or go home
Decided to go to the lake today, first time in a few weeks since my exhaust pipe blew out on me. I thought everything was good, spent about 2 hours riding, then decided to head across the lake when all of a sudden the exhaust tone was much louder. Odd, looked at the pissers to find no water coming out ......WTF??? Stopped right then, flipped on my bilge pump and tons of water poured out. So now im in the middle of the lake, cant run the engine with fear of it siezing, water flooding my ski. Lucky for me a boat was driving by and I flagged him down, just enough time to hop on his boat, remove my hood and find the main waterline split right off, water still coming in. Did a quick fix and idlet back to shore. Man, if that doesnt get you on edge, im not sure what would. Also must have burnt out my bilge pump as it stopped working as well. Not having much trust in the superjet right now!! :no:


Go big or go home
thats exactly what I have on my ski, well this ski is pretty new to me but its older so not sure how old the lines are. I cant tell if the clamp wore a hole in it and it split or what. It will be replaced very soon!!
I sure hope I didnt hurt my engine, the head would sizzle when I dripeed water on it when I popped the hood. I let it cool and it started and ran fine to the dock.
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