ChrisFiore15, 3 weeks to get parts


Arlington TX
I read ALL the feedback on Chris, Postitive and Negative, before engaging in this transaction. I had some members privately suggesting that I stay away, but I let the postitive feedback sway me into thinking that everything would go fine.

Spent almost a grand with Chris for a TBM FW, Stator, Enhancer, and ebox. These parts were supposed to come off his ski, and into a box to me. I paid him on 8/11, He told me it would ship on 8/14 and I would recieve it by 8/17. I recieved it on 9/1, 3 weeks to the day after I paid. He claims USPS lost it and then found it... 3 weeks later.

I requested tracking on the 21st (it was never provided before that). The tracking showed no updates, other than the fact that USPS had be notified that a label had been created on the 16th using his own USPS software. See below (attaching it makes it too small to read, sorry for the huge pic.)


By the 21st I was becoming irritated at the time it was taking. He was very responsive to my text messages, which I can post if needed. He always answered, and always assured me that he would take care of any issues.

What I find problematic, is that as we were getting into the 2nd week, and I was very much loosing my patience, he offered to get me all new parts if my package didn't arrive after USPS's 14 day window to call it lost.
I questioned how he could do that with the cost difference, he said, "Don't worry, i'll take care of you." This was his ever present theme. "Don't worry you'll get your parts..."

He seemed to have an awful lot of faith that I would recieve them, which was confusing to me. How do you know I will get them, since nobody knows where they are???

I pressed for a shipping confirmation recipt that the post office gives out when you drop off a package (including a post mark, showing the day it ships), ensuring that it has been scanned in etc. If he had this, I wouldn't be posting here. He claimed he could not produce one because he uses a "mailboxes etc" facility that cannot scan in the package. I called and confirmed that.

Fast forward to Thursday 8/30, 12:46 in the afternoon, I get a text saying "you should have it Saturday, my buddy took the call cause I was on the water." Next thing you know... I have tracking updates.

I will say this, he always responded promptly, was apologetic, and even defensive that I would accuse him of not doing the right thing. But at the end of the day my gut feeling is that something was not right. I have no proof of this, just my opinion.

I got my parts, they're fine. So are the addtional gray hairs I have over the stress of this transaction. I will not purchase anything from Chris again, simply on the principle that he ships in a manner that could allow for this situation to be possible.

I'm sure he'll have some knee jerk almighty response to this siting that 'he did everything he could' and 'he can't control the postal service', and most importantly 'you got your parts didn't you?' But much like all the other negative feedback issues, everyone EVENTUALLY got what they were due, and so did, I after a lot of hassle


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Just in a quick response to this, I ALWAYS replied to all messages that were sent to me, and as Swapmeet says, I instantly reply to any and every text message, no matter what I was currently doing. even initiating conversations asking if he had yet to receive the parts, as you all can see, It was shipped out right when I stated it would be, and I am unsure as to what the USPS delays were.

I spoke with USPS multiple times, and at times, they were very rude to me stating that if it was still with in the 14 day initial period, there was simply nothing they were going to do, and that I was overreacting.

SwapMeet began to get upset over the delay of reception of parts, and I assured him, that if they were truly missing, I would go ahead and replace all the parts that were missing with brand new parts. This is simply the RIGHT thing to do, and what i would expect if I was on the other end, it is the sellers responsibility to not only ship the parts, but assure they are delivered. It is still MY responsibilities for the parts while in transit. That transit time is on my side of the deal still ,and has nothing to do with the buyer, so if the parts got lost, and USPS wouldn't do anything, I told him that I would replace all the parts with brand new ones, because he paid for parts, and if they never made it to him, then it is still my problem to make right.

I ship out about 20-30 packages a week via USPS, dropping off at Mailboxes ETC in Trumbull CT, Anyone who wishes can feel free to call, they do not give you any type of receipt such as the one the OP is referencing... You simply drop it off, and every day at 5PM, USPS comes and picks up the pile of boxes. and only ONE time in the last few years has a package every went truly missing, this is why i was so confident that the package would make it to him.

Honestly I am very disappointed with this thread, for as you even see in SwapMeets post, I had done everything I could do assure him to always be happy, and unsure what even warranted this type of thread, I answered all texts, calls, PMs, etc, even going as far to offer brand new replacement parts if these parts were truly lost, I don't know many other people that would go that far. But as Swapmeet said, I can not control USPS, and I always assured him that I would take care of him if anything truly went missing.

Not to mention, I was giving him a free brand new pole spring too, he had asked me for one because of these delays(after tracking began to finally update), and i was looking at having to spend 1400$ to replace all these parts with new ones, and since i now knew that was no longer the case, I had no problem spending 40$ for him to give him a new pole spring for free because I felt bad for the troubles he went though.

But apparently offering NEW replacement parts, and answering every question instantly, and keeping the buyer up to date almost daily isn't enough...I sent him tracking the day of the shipment, there is nothing more one can do except that, short of hand delivery of the item.

If anything most would see me offering a full new part replacement as a reason to write a positive feedback thread.... It is amazing as to everything you can do to comfort someone, offered full replacements, full refunds, calling USPS almost daily, driving to mailboxes ETC to see if they had any information, sending messages daily with updates, and that warrants negative feedback?
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Arlington TX
Oh good, you responded...

How can you improve? Use a shipper that services you at the same level you feel you serve your customer. Or, and I know this is crazy... Go to the post office, get a recipt. Prove that it's the post offices fault, and that you did the right thing.

This is your word against mine. The tracking you provided was a result of you creating a label AT HOME, on your computer. Not dropping it off.
As far as I know, you sat on my parts until the 28th or 29th and then shipped them.. Of course you'll offer new parts, you knew you would never have to follow through.

Also, I'm curious how you could be so certain that I would get my parts. You repeatedly said 'you'll gt your parts, don't worry'. How did you know they arn't lost forever? Are you some sort of wizard? Can you

Furthermore, I just recieved the correct stator from my purchase today. I tried to tell you the TBM used a 62t, but you wanted to tell me 61x was fine and that's how Art set up your ski. I contacted Art, he said
thats not true.

You later acknologed that you sent the wrong stator, and sent a replacement, but once again, this pushed out delivery.

My issue is how you handle your business up front. All your negative feedback, including my own is related tto how you self righteously back pedal to fix problems you created and then because you finally solved a problem, you're offended if you don' get good feedback. Finally doing something right is not the same as doing it right in the first place.
I guess offering new parts if these were lost warrants negative feedback..
I had no idea if you would get the initial used parts or not, i DID know that one way or another you were getting the same parts!
I kept saying not to worry cause that is what the Post Office was saying to me when I called, the first time you start freaking out was after 4 days.. Then I called up the post office, and they literally laughed at me that i was over concerned and had nothing to worry about.
That is why I kept telling you not to worry, and the fact that less then 1/2000 packages is lost in my past, that means they have a success rate of 2000+/1.. those are damn good odds, your telling me, that if you had a 2000/1 chance of winning something, you wouldn't go for it? If it failed, yeah i was buying you all brand new parts, but it was meant to comfort you as the buyer knowing one way or another you would be getting all the parts you paid for. I was pretty confident that yours wouldn't be lost, and to comfort you, i told you multiple times that I would replace them with brand new parts.

Was I worried about them really being gone? HECK YES I was! But that shouldn't be of concean to you, because i told you, that if they were truly gone, then i would replace them with all brand new parts.

And as I told you in the texts today, I was told that it would work with both X and T, and people have ran the X stator with the TBM, and found no problems what so ever, and multiple websites that sell different branding of flywheels, with the Jetnetics and such, they specify X or T, with the TBM, there is never any speciicatios, and from the dealer I got the TBM from, I was told it would work with both, so i sent you 1 X stator, and 1 T stator, and let you make the choice which you would prefer.

I offered you a FULL refund multiple times, and offered you BRAND NEW parts multiple times, and told you not to worry at all. Why? Because you start freaking out about a lost package 4 days after shipment, I did not want any more reason for you to be worried, I meant everything i said, if the package was lost, you would have gotten ALL Brand new stuff, or a full refund.

As for using a "reliable postal service"-- Mailboxes ETC is a reliable postal service, thats like saying you need to go to ATT headquarters to upgrade your current phone... , and you can't go to their retail stores because they are "not reliable and incompetent" That is just ridiculous. I drop everything off at them, and have had 1 problem over years and years.

And if Im such a bad guy, why did I order you a brand new pole spring? Just like you asked for, because of the "trouble" you went through, i was giving you one for free. The way I looked at that, is I was close to having to spend 1500$ in new parts for you, so whats a 40$ pole spring if it will make the buyer happy?

Im still amazed that offering to replace USED parts with NEW ones if a package went missing warrants negative feedback.

Everyone can make their own judgements regarding this all, but many have already PMd me saying this was totally unwarranted, and they will not do any business with the buyer.
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Arlington TX
HAHAHAHA! I not only invite... I dare these 'sellers' you speak of to PM me and confirm that. Nobody has to know, I won't 'out' you if you PM me. If someone has committed to you not to sell to me, why not commit TO ME they won't sell to me. Hell, send me a PM with their names, I'll ask them myself.
I invite these people to chime in privately or publicly. I'm gonna bet my inbox stays empty. If someone steps up and says they're never selling me something over this, I'll admit here that I was wrong.

I brought up Art cause YOU brought up Art. He was the justification for your 61X theory according to you. Where are all these threads with conflicting results? And really, who cares what somebody (Art or otherwise) told you? TBM says use 62T. They make the part, they're pretty much the 'be all end all' on that discussion. And when I forward you that email, so the next time you sell a TBM you'll know the answer....., you come back with more self righteous BS. "so and so at blah blah racing told me 61x." The correct response would be 'thanks' or 'good info' not more defensive noise.
i was trying to help you out (and clear up the discussion/ prove I'm right. I'm not a saint lol), and you still can't admit that there is only one right answer.
Unless so and so is either A: Jesus or B: a TBM employee, than that info has no bearing. Why bring it up?

The bottom line and point of this thread is this.
Does Chris Fiore answer texts? Yes.
Does he eventually come through? Sure.
Is it worth the headache, delays, problems, and completely self righteous, constantly defensive (see above and other threads for example) behavior? Not in my opinion.

air blair

you are the reason
Fiore is a nice guy, but his business sense is no so good. I got my part from him over the summer and it was a cable fior a sn superjet rather a rn. Longer throw anyway it took a few more days to recieve than expected.
I choose too cut my lose and just keep the part learn a lesson and move on. My 2cents
Cable asked for was for a SJ,a SJ cable was sent, offered to send another brand new cable if he didn't like that one...

I run the same cable I sent in everything, my BOB, buddies RN SJ, my SJs, etc, because that is what was recommended to me by someone big in the business, told me he runs it in every boat he builds because its the same as the others, just a bit longer that allows you to run it nicely down the sides of the boat.

My bad for not clarifying which was wanted.

If you want the other SJ cable, its here for you! Just shoot me a PM! Would be happy to send it out for you. Said that right away as well back in May.
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Heres the original screen shot by the way..
Again, my bad for not clarify exactly which P/N you preferred.

Anyways, Shot you a text Jeff, let me know if you want the different cable.. I sent you the link to the site so you can choose exactly which SJ cable.
Would be happy to shoot you out the new one now!


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He sold me a :):):):)ty crank that I couldn't even use and also sent me the wrong cylinder telling me he sent me 61x and instead sent me 62t ... not happy with his service at all ...
First off- Im sorry but there are NO returns on a crank that was sold a YEAR ago.

As for the cylinder, I am positive you asked for a 62T, you even sent it to DASA for porting too, so unsure as how you claim not to never have looked at it... I offered you a 61X, but you denied it yesterday.

More details below if anyone cares to read them--

Here is the original tracking number for the package.

Check the date. A bit under one YEAR ago.

Click-N-Ship® Payment Details
Acct #: 44883052
Transaction Number: 232576514
Transaction Date/Time: 05/17/2012 06:17 PM CDT
Transaction Amount: $56.36

Delivery Confirmation™ # 9405 5036 9930 0015 4489 71 (Sequence Number 1 of 1)
1788 PARK ST
LIVERMORE CA 94551-2844

First off- some details- He bought cases, a crank, and a cylinder, all apart in pieces. So he clearly saw the parts when they arrived, crank wasn’t sealed in Cases or anything.

I offered to give him a crank at dealer cost, but Wouldn't offer anything more, for who knows what was done with the crank over the last YEAR. Was told I was crazy for even offering that when I mentioned these circumstances to my buddy.

I don't have any of the texts or PMs from here anymore to prove the cylinder stuff. I also told him that if he wanted a 61X Cylinder, Id send him out one, just send me a 62T one back.. But he said he didn't want that....Cant find the texts, as it’s a year ago.

What I do have is some Facebook Messages.

He also told me that "He just opened and looked at everything" a few days ago(This is when he confronted me saying I screwed him on the crank)
, yet I have some messages on Facebook of him telling me it was all assembled and what not and he was going to sell, he was asking if I knew anyone to purchase it.

How is it that he tells me 2 days ago that he just looked at the parts, yet, back in Sept states its all assembled and “pretty much new”, in his own words.

Check the date below, and check out what he says below.

Specifically says " Motor is pretty much brand new"

Conversation started September 10, 2012


Chris Crews
hey buddy i redid the motor you sold me so its pretty much brand new what do you think ur buddy would give me for it ?

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