Cleaning carbs with aircraft stripper question?

Tried searching and couldn't find answer. I'm stripping the paint off my carbs, and i've read aircraft stripper works great. Looking for some answers from people who know or have done this before.

Will this hurt any bushings, orings, etc... inside the carb?
Do I have to dissemble the carb to soak it in the cleaner?
Will type of container did you use to soak it so it doesnt eat thourgh whatever material your using.

How long should i leave it soaked for? Overnight job, or stand and watch till all paint is off?

Thanks guys for any help !
I would just soak it in some chem-dip if you are trying to get rid of the paint. It usually does a pretty good job of stripping the paint right off. I dont know about aircraft stripper.

Oh and yes disassemble carb. Once soaked rinse out with water and blow out with compressed air.
I would just soak it in some chem-dip if you are trying to get rid of the paint. It usually does a pretty good job of stripping the paint right off. I dont know about aircraft stripper.

Oh and yes disassemble carb. Once soaked rinse out with water and blow out with compressed air.

How long? Overnight? Will it hurt anything if it is left in too long? Never used this kind of stuff before sorry for many questions just wanna get the right stuff and not mess anything up.


Urban redneck
Use aircraft stripper and let it sit for 10min then wash off. Everything will be good to go. Besides, you can paint the stripper on with a brush and only get the painted surfaces.


Title had me thinking you had an extra set of hands.


Get Wet
Galloway, nj
You could soda blast them,then Chem dip them. YouTube home made soda blast. It's simple. I've wired brushed n wheel the crust off and scraped off hard crust with a utility blade. Then repainted with regular black appliance paint after they are put together n taped.
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