Coil wires disintigrated at ebox grommet.

So last summer was the last time I ran the ski and it started and ran great. Got the entire setup swapped into a newer hull and went to start it tonight. no spark/very weak intermediate spark. Went through the basics and then found that right outside the grommet there was resistance from there to the boot on each one but 1/2" over into the grommet nothing. so to make sure i cut the wires and sure as poop no wire inside for a short distance..... WTF

Is this common?
Whats the best option for a replacement, reman? JSS rebuild them?

Any way to avoid this or is it common since they are bent right at this point toward the front of the ski and the wires break down faster?
Mine have always broke at the plug boot from vibration and the solid wire breaks. Maybe the same happened here but at e-box end.., @OCD Solutions rebuilds coils and carries replacements already done and @JetManiac carries OCD rebuilt coils as well others I believe, both are members here and have them listed in their master parts lists
got it ordered and its on its way. I couldnt believe they were completely gone! i stuck a wire in both ends and tested spark and sure enough it worked again!
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