Surfriding communication


Charlotte, NC
Then how about an agreed-upon set of signals? Not only signals that we, here, understand, but signals that could be taught no non-X'ers as well. Most know about patting your helmet. How about some more easily recognized signals? Maybe one for "I'm about to do something incredibly stupid/risky/potentially dangerous, keep an eye on me." Another for ski not running right, etc.

Someone make a list. :)


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
A pat on helmet means I'm going in.
A fist pump means these waves are the shiz!
Cutting your throat signal means running low on fuel. This can also mean you just sank your ski and now need to be towed in.
Doing a motion like you are punching the ground means I just slammed the sandbar and broke my nose off again
Pointing to your buddy and making a corkscrew motions means he needs to sack up and roll that ski!
Pointing to your buddy and making a backwards circle motions means he needs to sack up and backy that ski!
.....and thats all i have....lets brainstorm people!
For someone to watch me, I just do the point at them, then point at both of my eyes then to my ski. Generally gets the point across. For the "I am about to do something stupid" I just do the "Father son holy ghost" dealio AKA creating a cross. Also gets the point across. lol. For a ski not working, I will generally just try to flag someone down to tell them or that you are going back, or maybe the fire erupting from your ski would suffice. :woot:


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Largo, Fl
I agree. Not only do you buddy up with someone but you need to buddy up with a guy who rides like you. a surf rider and a wave jumper don't pair up well. I don't like to buddy up with pat because he tends to run me the :):):):) over. :)

That's what you get for showing up once a year.
I agree. Not only do you buddy up with someone but you need to buddy up with a guy who rides like you. a surf rider and a wave jumper don't pair up well. I don't like to buddy up with pat because he tends to run me the :):):):) over. :)

YOU RIDE ??? you mean you go out with your ski and get in the way

I would agree with the buddy system.. from two to four max people riding keeping a eye out for one another. every time we ride on the other coast (secret spot) there can be like 20 people usually we do two teams/ packs out at a time.. wo often go out in large packs but when things happen it's the others you buddy with to help you first (safety/ time provided) or others from the pack/ team will step in..

so far when my ski lost the hood. (scott/ deblaster got my ski) mike (x-metal) pick me up.. all worked out fine (big pack riding but the team was me, scott, mike) the others were there watching and ready.
Twice j/jays ski quit running for one problem or another. i picked him and his ski up.. One time i thought we lost both, large surf closed out on us as we were hooking up.. because we both new what the other one was going to do and we stuck with it (not bailed) we pulled out of it. the wave closed out as i was just starting to pull him. we kept the rope tight and i did not let up on the gas. i was totally under water but knew it could go wrong very quick hooked together.. yea that one scared me..
same thing happened again 6 monthe latter but it was not half as large, no big issue..
since this happened to kevin this proves to me again that stuff can happen even the a good rider.. I will talk to my ride buddies and get some better signals no radios/ walkie talkies
A pat on helmet means I'm going in.
A fist pump means these waves are the shiz!
Cutting your throat signal means running low on fuel. This can also mean you just sank your ski and now need to be towed in.
Doing a motion like you are punching the ground means I just slammed the sandbar and broke my nose off again
Pointing to your buddy and making a corkscrew motions means he needs to sack up and roll that ski!
Pointing to your buddy and making a backwards circle motions means he needs to sack up and backy that ski!
.....and thats all i have....lets brainstorm people!

yea i get it.. i need to sack up..

a pat on the helmet could mean you cut in front of pat and he hit you too. landing on your helmet
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Buffalo NY
Ive got the perfect solution

Dudes Ive got the perfect solution. AND theyre completely waterproof!!! Wireless cup walkie talkies lol:dance:


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