Other Composite Question for the Guru's


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Not real sure if this can be done but I had a little idea. Say you make some molds and want to pull your own fiberglass/kevlar, carbon fiber, ect parts made from polyester, vinyl ester, or epoxy resins, ect...

When you lay up your first layer, could you use one dollar bills to form the first layer? They are made of denim after all, I am not sure of the strength and what not but I figured after the first layer you could use a typical lay up schedule of more traditional materials. I have to give credit to Edwin on this because I think he had the idea to cover a ski in one dollar bills once.

If the one dollar bill idea would work, what about thin strips of wood? Like when you take a wood plane and get those thin ribbons of wood. A veneer of sorts. Of course all this would need to be vac bagged to get the wood/dollasr smushed into the propper crevases. Also a UV protectant would be needed in the resin. But people do visual carbon parts all the time so why not?

I have this idea to get a ski painted up to look like an old wooden boat. But I thought the dollar or wood idea would be cool as well. I am sure you could do all kinds of crap if you really wanted to. Note book paper, rose petals, leaves, beats me...

Just wanted you guy's thoughts and opinions on this.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Sure why not just put it in the Clear gel coat and shoot more clear gel over it then lay your glass or carbon.

Let me know if you need any vacuum bagging or gel coat supplies I can set you up.


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Back in the day when I worked at the Ski Nautique dealer they produced a boat that had mahogany decking and looked like a traditional wooden boat,under that boat was a regular fiberglass hull so yes it can be done and of course the epoxy works just fine on wood,I would say the dollar bill idea is also doable but that could get expensive depending on the size of your project.


This Is The Way
Staff member
I would say the dollar bill idea is also doable but that could get expensive depending on the size of your project.

For reference 5.7oz twill carbon fiber is $.024/sq.in. on USComposites and a dollar is $.064/sq.in. and doesn't have the structural edge on carbon...carbon is for posers, doller bills are for the real high rollers. A dollar bill nosepiece would be pretty sweet, how about just taking a copy of the giant check in daytona and getting a wrap made or laminating it onto the ski?
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Real playas use 100's

Well I would but I want a new dirt bike, however my wife won't let me... oh wait that is you!

Just bustin your balls. I always said if I won the lottery I would get a suit made from whole sheets of 100's. I thought that would be pretty cool. Then again if I won the lottery I would probably be ewaering that suit out to clubs and bars and it would end up getting cigarette burns in it and smelling like, well... a bar. So f that I will just get a gold plated hull like everyone else and rock that.

Anyone ever see that OCC episode where they went to the place that did the real tree like camo? That was pretty neat.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
A friend has money in the clear on his ski. It was tough to make it lay smooth and flat. Surves and corners would be tough. If someone wants to waste a bunch of money, I am willing to lay up a topdeck with cash.

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