compression vertebrae fracture

At a local motocross track riding for a few hours. Me and a buddy decided to swap bikes for a bit. I was originally riding a cr250, I then switched too a kxf250 (not my first time on modern 4's). Was doing just fine on it for a few laps. Went for a double I had been making easy all day, then crashed. Tried to go inside on the turn before the jump, came up short (cased it) bounced off the bike. I hit the ground head first but what I think did the damage was the bike hitting me in the back. (had a chest protector on too) Compression fracture to the t (thoracic/middle) 6,7 and 8.

No video sorry. This happened nine days ago, I'm walking around just fine. I think its healing up good so far, check up in two weeks. I almost wish I did not know it was fractured, just let myself think it was only bruised up good. I bet I'll be feeling this at 40. haha

At least its winter here, although I'll miss (most of) the snowboarding season.


Purveyor of the Biggest Brapp
Wow, be happy you are still vertical and walking.

Rest up and count your lucky stars bud. Be careful out there.

wsuwrhr<----rides like a madman but don't do doubles

A very good friend of mine is in a wheelchair from a atv accident, there isn't a day goes by that I don't think about the consequences.
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At a local motocross track riding for a few hours. Me and a buddy decided to swap bikes for a bit. I was originally riding a cr250, I then switched too a kxf250 (not my first time on modern 4's). Was doing just fine on it for a few laps. Went for a double I had been making easy all day, then crashed. Tried to go inside on the turn before the jump, came up short (cased it) bounced off the bike. I hit the ground head first but what I think did the damage was the bike hitting me in the back. (had a chest protector on too) Compression fracture to the t (thoracic/middle) 6,7 and 8.

No video sorry. This happened nine days ago, I'm walking around just fine. I think its healing up good so far, check up in two weeks. I almost wish I did not know it was fractured, just let myself think it was only bruised up good. I bet I'll be feeling this at 40. haha

At least its winter here, although I'll miss (most of) the snowboarding season.

did you go to the doctor? what did they do for it?

i recently hurt my back and it has been killing me for about a month(cant even bend down to tie my shoes)
Yeah, I went right to the hospital. If you have insurance and you have any type of major crash getting checked out is ALWAYS the right choice. However, if your not insured a hospital visit can be super expensive and it "may" be a wise choice to just rest up for a few day and then decide if you need to be checked out. But when your talking about your back I would not chance it. Its too important.

At the hospital I had CT scans and x rays. I was told I had a comp. vert. fracture if my t6 (one vertebrae in my middle back). They said I just needed rest for about 3 months. Then I went to a specialist because a back is important and I'm insured. I send all my previous ct scans and x rays to the specialist before hand. I was told I had 3 broken vertebrae. I was also told I only just needed rest for around 3 months.

If you fracture a vertebrae and its compressed more then 50 % you most likely need surgery. Either spinal fusion (last resort), or Kyphoplasty. Kypho is a surgery when they blow up a balloon in the fractured vertebrae to get it to the correct height. Then they inject a type of cement to hold it all together.

They usually never use kypho for young people because they do not know long the cement will last, and it compromises the vertebrae above and below because the cement is stronger than bone. This is mostly used in elderly with osteoporosis.

For you though, you just don't know what’s wrong with your back. Maybe its a slipped disk or whatever. Who knows, only a doctor. It’s been 16 days since I was injured. I still have pain, although only moderate. It hurts mostly at night while trying to sleep. But I can walk, drive and do a lot. I try to keep my back from moving a lot; the bones need to heal (fuse) together. I have also read that pain medications such as Advil and ibuprofen can hinder bones from healing. Therefore I don't take them. I go in a hot tub every night, sleep with a heating pad on my back. Don't drink for now and eat a balanced diet.

Back injury's are no good. Check out Doug Henry brake his for the first time...

best of luck.
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Huntsville, AL
one of my bosses is in a wheel chair from a motocross accident. He was racing on a track and hit a stick or stuck up in his wheel and tossed him. Broke his back right above his brace. He is paralyzed. He was a retired Blackhawk pilot....really into anything outdoors....really into working out...taking care of himself...and now ...well he is struggling.

What is sad is exactly one month later his friend had the same exact thing happen to him.

Glad to hear you are ok!
Some of my friends started wearing these neck braces. One is called the "Leatts Brace". They protect the neck in crashes from hyperextention and such. When I start riding again I'll be wearing one and some type of back protection better than just a cheap chest protector.

I had to make a video for a persuasion class. This is NOT for a video editing class (low quality) Some of the video is of my friends in China shows. The guy who crashed is fine.
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Wow, be happy you are still vertical and walking.

Rest up and count your lucky stars bud. Be careful out there.

wsuwrhr<----rides like a madman but don't do doubles

A very good friend of mine is in a wheelchair from a atv accident, there isn't a day goes by that I don't think about the consequences.

I know your friend too...

I agree, I broke my back a few years ago and think about it almost everyday how fortunate I am "especially" after readying everyday with all paralysis.


freeride junkie
north palm beach
also been there, and feel your pain. only mine was a 2000 lb. car that T-boned me, i had a compression fracture of the L-1. its the one that supports most of your upper body. i had other injuries as well. but the point i was trying to make was that you really need to listen to the doctor and do what they say to do!!
i had a 30% compression but came very close to having surgery. i spent 15 weeks in a freakin turtle shell. but was very lucky. that will be four years to the day on jan 25th. i have since had to give up riding standups, but still ride, just ride a blaster now. i do feel pretty much the same, just bothersome sometimes.

take care of that back, its the only one you got!! good luck..
Seven and a half weeks in...

I was told at 8 or 9 weeks I'd be fully(ish) healed. Zero pain for "normal" activity. Almost all flexibility back! No pain sleeping. I can do shoulder roll's, however can not do a "dive roll" just yet[Gymnastic ish type terms]. I can however dive into water from 23 feet, with out pain.

I'm in Florida now, although I do not plan on going to daytona. I would not be able to watch with out riding, maybe next year.
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I did this twice. First time was a good ole bail from 20ft up when my wonderful suzuki RM250 decided to bog on a big double. I have tried every brand of bike and a 99 RM 250 was the worst bike ever. First coulple weeks I had that thing it needed a new rear shock, CDI box, Crank, and a Shift Fork. I went back to Yami after that. T-6 T-7 back brace and no riding for a year. Second time 2 years later at a Arenacross I got a little bent out of shape in a timing section. I didnt even crash I just landed so hard I compressed L-1 L-2 another back brace and no riding for a year. I quit racing dirtbikes 5 years ago and its the best thing I have ever done. You can still get hurt doing anything but your risk of injury is alot higher with MX bikes. If your T compression was like mine you never really full(ishly) recover. Dont try to come back from your brokeback mountain to early.
Seven and a half weeks in...

I was told at 8 or 9 weeks I'd be fully(ish) healed. Zero pain for "normal" activity. Almost all flexibility back! No pain sleeping. I can do shoulder roll's, however can not do a "dive roll" just yet[Gymnastic ish type terms]. QUOTE]

When I got my bodycast off on a wednesday after 10weeks that weekend I went mountain bike riding (gently) and road my SXR. Never had ONE issue since (3 years in April) and I'm in my 40's...My doctor told me if your fit when you break it (almost any bone) the recovery is so much easier. I didn't even have to go to therapy, probably because I didn't have to have surgery just the bodycast.

I do get chills and feel bad when I see somebody paralyzed realizing how close I (we) was.
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