Other Compression VS Octane



At WF's, they are not going to take the steps that Supercross/AMA does after the initial test. If there was a trace, then you got DQ'd, because they could not determine if it was trace element or not. Granted, I have not heard much about it in the past 1-2 WF's as to being as much of an issue like it was in 05.

Pete, listen to Charles, or call your builder, they should have told you what your fuel requirements should have been from the get go.

I will do what I am told, your Right. 50/50 is fine...
Was trying to learn something, but I think its over my head ! :confused:
I just run what Im supposed to ! :wink:


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
That has happened in the past and may continue to, but because of past issues with this, more discretion been shown in the last couple of years. The problem with the test isn't that it's bogus, it's just pass/fail. A legal amount(trace) of lead allowed. The test used doesn't differentiate between trace and actual leaded fuel. There have been a couple of motorcross DQ's reversed by further testing. Testing for exact amount of lead is considerably more difficult and expensive. The easiest thing to do is just run the same thing in practice that you run in races. I think more often than not, people get caught out because they run AVgas or the cheapest leaded fuel they can find in practice to save money.

Whoutalkinboutfool??? LOL J/K My cheap azz 100LL kept a 240psi Lamey together for a couple of hours. LOL (My azz is still drawn tight because I was on that ski w/waaay too much comp and incorrect fuel for comp.)LOL
Dunno, I ran 93 octane on my stock porting 215psi motor. Ran great until my brother ran it with no water... But for the type of riding we do, how often do we do sustained WOT runs?
I need to do a compression test after Chuck ported my cylinder.
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