Other Computer Aided Handlpole Design

I'm making progress...

I ordered a welding helmet, leather jacket, and leather gloves.
One of the welders here is going to teach me how to weld in the mornings before work (go in at 7ish start work at 9ish)
I bought bearings for the turnplate pivot, 10 of them on ebay $25 shipped so I guess i could make up to 10 poles without ordering more. They will be a sealed bearing requiring no o-rings, OD is over 2" so they are some stout bearings. Some machining will be required but it will be simple stuff.
I've updated the model to reflect the changes, new total weight as pictured is 5.45lbs.
Yes it will float, I'm not telling yet.

I need to learn how to apply surface finishes, renders look unrealistic.

Bending the tube will be done on a custom made jig which is just a blown up section of one of these:

Radius of about 8ft or the average of whatever I measure it to be on the hood of the sj and 750sx and an arc length of about 30". I should be able to do it with 3 2x4's and something solid to mount the hinge and mandrel on, along with some other little bits.
Or I'll use a ring roller. Don't forget I have 100% access to a machine shop and fab shop through my work.

Yes it is solidworks, as I said in my last post.
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inventor to solidworks is ok, same functionality but different buttons to press, about 3 weeks in i'm feeling comfortable. One thing I never learned were proper engineering practices when working with solid models; like weldments are generally parts, not assemblies; how to use geometry files to drive around complicated assemblies, and other things like that which was never taught as part of any engineering course.

AC TIG + whatever other processes should be learned to understand puddle control and arc control etc.
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