Contacting: Oceanside Crew

Mike Serlin

people will be riding tomorrow. Around 7 ish. I can't make it.
I'm in the process of putting my boat back together and replacing everything electrical cuz its been sitting for 6 months. I really wanted to ride too. Starter and starter solenoid are bad, ouch $$$.
geez you guys dont have a place to ride later than 8 30, that must suck,and i was thinking you guyz had THE SPOT. Id never get to see the water there,lol.


I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
masterblaster said:
geez you guys dont have a place to ride later than 8 30, that must suck,and i was thinking you guyz had THE SPOT. Id never get to see the water there,lol.

No, we do not have THE spot. Oh how I wish we did. If we had a place we could actually hang out and ride all day, we'd be able to turn out such KILLER video. :(

It's not a guarantee that we'll be kicked out at 8:30....but we ride early (ramp at 6:30) to avoid that possibility.


Twinkle Toes
i was just saying that ross kind of just stopped riding at oside for a month or so cuz he was busy with other stuff. but seriously though ross, you need to get some frebreez or something, that van is starting to smell.


just add gas...
San Diego, CA
on our last ride, when the conditions were everywhere...its a good thing we went in when we did. i barely had enough gas to flush my ski at home.

next ride?
Just for the record, I don't have a van...and I did come out of retirement today. Rode the new SJ at the bay yesterday, bat was a little weak but all was ok and it charged. This am at the Harbor, it gave up the bat. So I rode waveblaster69's blaster, and sank it...then busted the coupler off the pipe. In all reality it went better than last time I rode it and broke both sides of the hull...

So a new bat and I should be good to go full force again.
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