Converting JPEG to Vector File - Help


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Can anyone convert this JPEG to a Vector file for me? Im trying to have some graphics designed and printed for my Tom21 FX1 build.



Does things to makes the do goods
Oh u want a livetrace from illustrator? I could prob help u out. Livetrace doesnt come out 100% accurate tho and works best with black n white line work.

Usually to get the best vector from an image like that, you gotta recreate the entire thing using pen tool on a new layer. That can take a few hours and a few beers to accomplish


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Oh u want a livetrace from illustrator? I could prob help u out. Livetrace doesnt come out 100% accurate tho and works best with black n white line work.

Usually to get the best vector from an image like that, you gotta recreate the entire thing using pen tool on a new layer. That can take a few hours and a few beers to accomplish

Yea I honestly have no clue what I'm asking for lol. I have a friend that does graphics and he said he needed a vector file so I was like I'll get you one. (Not knowing what that really entails.) lol. Shoot first, ask questions later


Does things to makes the do goods
im home now and can see the pic on something bigger than my phone lol. sick image, mad props to the artist. i can hook u up quick 1 button style, wont be 100% accurate tho. leme dm u som pics


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
PDFs are vector files I do believe. I can convert anything into PDF if you like. Also might be able to do touch up vector lines in AutoCAD if some easy button program can take care of most of the lines but still needs minor tweaks.
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