cooling problems

I have a lamey with B pipe
I've got dual lines going into my fp manifold, back of head out to bottom of head pipe and the top of the head pipe out the bypass,front of head to a T with the most direct line going to flow control valve - and the other out the bypass.The one that goes from back of head through pipe is warm.the one that dumps direct from head is very cool.Our watere here in the north is quite cool right now but friends with the same setup are alot warmer.
Should I start resticting it till it warms up
I like the safety factor of the dual cooling although I think it is not needed


So long and thanks for all the fish
Always always always use restrictors as needed to get ~120F coming out of the engine. Even down south you can run too much cooling and need restrictors if your cooling setup demands it.


aside from that though, what will it do to how the ski runs
i have sound my skis to actually run better in cooler water but i suppose there is a point where that would stop


So long and thanks for all the fish
The pistons will still expand like normal but the sleeves won't expand as much, and you'll squeak a piston. It's called a cold seizure.


sounds like a bummer
too bad there is not a permanent mount in guage and adjustable cooling to compensate for this variability


Grand Rapids, MI
Call Paul.
He has some nice 4mm restrictors that fit right in 3/8 lines.
It brought my engine temp right up to around 120 degrees.
Lameys transfer so much heat to the casting that it's hard to transfer it to the water unless you leave it in the cooling passages a little longer.


So long and thanks for all the fish
freestylegeek said:
Lameys transfer so much heat to the casting that it's hard to transfer it to the water unless you leave it in the cooling passages a little longer.

Oh boy, here we go again.

That has nothing to do with the heat transfer rate.


makin' legs
freestylegeek said:
Call Paul.
He has some nice 4mm restrictors that fit right in 3/8 lines.
It brought my engine temp right up to around 120 degrees.
Lameys transfer so much heat to the casting that it's hard to transfer it to the water unless you leave it in the cooling passages a little longer.

Check out the Jetworks restrictors. They work well and come with 3 different size restrictors. The part about leaving the water in longer to transfer heat is not right. If you were trying to heat the water instead of cool the motor, that would be correct.:biggrin:

SuperJETT said:
Always always always use restrictors as needed to get ~120F coming out of the engine. Even down south you can run too much cooling and need restrictors if your cooling setup demands it.

If you restrict the bypass that is coming straight from head till you get 120.
What will happen to the line that is coming from head through head pipe,it will get hotter then 120 right,because you are bringing motor temp upto 120 and this line is getting hotter by going through head pipe


So long and thanks for all the fish
Yes it will, but it's the exhaust and it can handle higher temps. EGT runs close to 1000-1100 so 120 is still going to cool it off, just not as much as 80 water.

That reason is why I prefer to run separate cooling circuits, one for the engine, one for the exhaust and changing the flow on one side doesn't affect the other.
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