Surfriding couch mounts monkey mounts i break em all what next

so im getting pretty good at destroying mounts. in the last 6 months i have broke 3 stockers (inverted stab in 4 ft water .they told me it was deep so i suppose they dont count ) replaced all with new monkey mounts pancaked a flip in the surf ,pulled the top plate out of one and sheared the whole rubber section from the base part of another !
read on here about couch mounts, so 4 brand new gp800 monkey mounts milled the bottoms to fit . yep you guessed it sheared one mount rubber section completely off the base part !!!!! againflip4.jpg pancake. on the plus side got my first flip round that day, but im still learning .is it any better to use oem mounts ?

failed flip attempt flip6.jpg
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i read about both of these. i emailed old man on a couch when they were first put up but never got a reply .
as for the urathane ones i would like to see a bit more feedback but if i do one more mount i may have to give em a go


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
i personally would go with the urethane ones since they will break eventually unlike the billet. he says the stretched 4 inches before breaking.... thats pretty frekin sweet.
i cant belive it took 13 posts until someone dug me out with the "sak up and rotate " lol your right ,but give be a break ive only been riding just over a year lees than that for surf .
i might have to try them urathane ones then i have billet couplers .
ill be in the same situation as you matt soon think i may get a set of urathane ones to keep with me so can just swap when i kill mine, will get a cold fusion coupler from loki as well so it can all go back together and no waiting
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