Couchers are weird


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
people are idiots
gets worse every day!
had a 'tard pull his boat one car length up the ramp and parked
went back to tie up his tube, etc.
blocking the parked trailers and both ramps
I asked him nicely to move up (blocking my trailer) and he got all uppidy
and started cussing, "you got a problem with me??" crap
f'tards is why I carry a .45 in my car

ProXR 440

visiting from Greenhulk
Macomb, MI
LMAO! This thread is great! The rule of thumb I follow is if it's yellow stay FAR away from it! Also I think the engineers at Yamaha have developed the "visibility spout" to warn others that there is a newbie on the lake. I ride mostly on Lake St. Clair and fortunately all the idiots don't venture too far from the launch fearing they'll get "lost" out in the big lake leaving all the good riding areas to me :smile:

Not all couch riders are morons... and if it wasn't for Team Yellow holding it at WOT banging off the limiter on the trailer at the ramp who else would we have to laugh at? :lmao:
We ride both..Most weekends we will take the sitdowns out on Saturday and then take the standups out on Sunday.

I see it all. Most sitdown/couch riders don't realize that its a bit harder to ride a standup, and standup riders to fall off. It pisses me off when I look behind me and a coucher is litterally 10 feet behind me. Or they assume you are always going to land your jump and be able to take off from it, and they go full speed towards you.

Its just the nature of the beast have dumb people in every "sport". You have the dumbasses with motorcycles that go out and have to buy a Hyabusa or ZX14 just because theCBR600, R6 and GSXR are "too small". These people are comparable to the people that go out and have to have the biggest baddest seadoo made, even though they have no experience on a waverunner period.

Best bet is to judge their riding ski, and ride as far away as possible depending on what type of rider you see them being. Its usually easy to determine this within the first minute or so of seeing them ride.


Ski Eat Sleep Repeat
Theres the nail on the head. its not couch riders because they ride couches, and there are plenty of dicks on standups im sure. just boils down to the general populace being utterly incompitant at life imo.

Exactly! Don't just blame the couchers. I've about been run over by a few boats too. I think a lot of people simply don't realize or care about the risks they are taking when they are out on the water. I generally stay the hell away from everyone unless I know them personally.

The worst are the people who retaliate when you try to tell them what they are doing wrong. Most of the people I've run into around here simply don't know about boat ramp or safety rules and are thankful to be informed, but some are just malicious bastards. I don't know what you do about them other than to stay away or steal their lanyards :poke:


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
Even though people think it's "the man coming down on you" more states should have required boater education programs. If it saves one life or serious injury it's worth it.

Another good sign of danger is more than one person on a couch. Three young blonde might want to watch them but should get the heck away. Single riders on couches seem a bit more safe.

We had an incident Sunday (yesterday). We were on our last ride of the day. Big cruiser with a wake 5 feet tall 20 some feet apart nicely shaped too. Best I've seen in a few weeks. Four of us were hitting it hard, getting air and life was good. People on shore saw us and and headed out. Then there were like 8 people on it. I saw them coming and headed further back on the wake before they got there.

Two young guys on an old two seater went all over the place wildly. Others kept having to get out of their way and life was no longer good.

One of our group of four on a GTX was forced into following another one of us on a 750sxi. The 750sxi guy fell off during a jump. The GTX hit his 750. At least it was just a bent handle pole not a skull.

We were doing great until the newbs showed up. Newbs on stand ups can be as bad as newbs on couches. Might be a better thread "Newbs are dangerous". It's so obvious why bother.


Hooked on the Jamz
We were doing great until the newbs showed up. Newbs on stand ups can be as bad as newbs on couches. Might be a better thread "Newbs are dangerous". It's so obvious why bother.

Agreed! It's simply inexperience and ignorance of the possible dangers.

fyrhazard said:
The worst are the people who retaliate when you try to tell them what they are doing wrong.


A few weekends ago, hubby was removing straps and getting set to back in when a bassboat pulls into the parking lot and backs right in to the ramp, without even stopping to untie.

So I walk over and say, "we're all ready to back in and now we have to wait for you to untie."

He says, "sucks for you".

I say, (biting my tongue) "If you pull up about 30 feet, we'll be in and out before you're done untying".

So he pulls forward giving me the stare of death and says "You're obnoxious."

At that point, I am done trying to be polite, so I spend some time telling him what I think of him while hubby backs in and we get the boats off. (two skis and a jetmate)

So, we're launched and ready, so we call to the guy, knowing full-well that he wasn't ready, "Hey! Ramp is ready for you... come on.... you can back in now.... "

He was scraping crap off his battery terminals.... still not untied.

That guy couldn't claim coucher or inexperience. He was just an asshole.


Hooked on the Jamz
glad your speaking for an entire group of people.....i race with a group of people that have the utmost respect for the water and each other....... don't take the actions of a small group and assume everyone in the group acts the same way.....

and if you want to get into respect issues,.... how about you respect the law regarding the modification of hin/vin numbers.....

thank you and have a nice day.

That's exactly what you're doing Dan. That small group of highly skilled riders that you race with are NOT the majority... just the majority in the circles you ride in (haha race joke).


Matakana Menace
glad your speaking for an entire group of people.....i race with a group of people that have the utmost respect for the water and each other....... don't take the actions of a small group and assume everyone in the group acts the same way.....

and if you want to get into respect issues,.... how about you respect the law regarding the modification of hin/vin numbers.....

thank you and have a nice day.

Is somebody's Manginia Bleeding today?

Were those guys were on two newer blue Yamaha bla bla bla's ? if so i saw them attack some girls on a sit down. Then the first one proceeded to cut me and my little ones off ( 20 feet ) i waved at him then the second tried to spray us 20 feet or so . i could not chase them down with the kids so i just droped off the kids and went to their dock . Josh these guys live across the lake from you . I told their mommy and daddy ( these guys are 20 ish ) That if they were lucky i'd just report their hull numbers. i called them on the carpet and dressed them down in front of their family and friends respectfully. I did tell them this was a friendly reminder and their would not be another. I'm all about fun and taking risks , but these guys were dangerous .
Were those guys were on two newer blue Yamaha bla bla bla's ? if so i saw them attack some girls on a sit down. Then the first one proceeded to cut me and my little ones off ( 20 feet ) i waved at him then the second tried to spray us 20 feet or so . i could not chase them down with the kids so i just droped off the kids and went to their dock . Josh these guys live across the lake from you . I told their mommy and daddy ( these guys are 20 ish ) That if they were lucky i'd just report their hull numbers. i called them on the carpet and dressed them down in front of their family and friends respectfully. I did tell them this was a friendly reminder and their would not be another. I'm all about fun and taking risks , but these guys were dangerous .

I figured it was them, but i would have hated to say something if it wasnt. Whats funny is when they got back to their dock i was on my porch eating with my family and we heard/saw their parents and a bunch of other people yelling at them but we couldnt figure out why. We figured it was because they were out so long.
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