Cracked jug that needs welding

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Normally I would make an offer to help him out as I have some cylinders I could part with, but my surgery has been scheduled for next Wed morning so I will be out for the rest of this year and somewhere around the 20th of Jan next year.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I am still waiting on him to pull it apart so we can see what the pistons and cylinder actually look like, Seadoos use Dyke style top rings and they will continue to run fairly well even with lots of piston and cylinder damage.

It will be several weeks minimun before they will let me lift anything heavy or do anything strenious, I am having a hernia repair done with mesh, the last thing I want to do is mess that up and slow my recovery which is why I am having it done off season.
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So- on the cracked PTO jug, the piston unfortunately had some light scoring too; so I was able to buy a really nice used jug and piston.

On the mag side, you can see the jug is pushed out on the exhaust side. (one picture shows the good pto jug for comparison), as well as a nice crack right above the exhaust port (don’t think it was leaking water yet)

*the Mag side piston and cylinder are in really good shape.

So, I’m looking for one used jug and piston to slap in here, or possible welding/pressing jug back inward (man, that sounds real sloppy)

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I ran across a rusty crusty 717 cylinder today, it's rusty but the aluminum jug is intact and it's from a fresh water ski , you could put your sleeve in it , reuse your good piston and run it, if you don't feel comfortable swapping sleeves send it to me and I will do it for $75.00 plus shipping, that's $50.00 for the cylinder and $25.00 to swap the sleeve out, if you can find a better deal take it and run with it.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Looks just like one don't it ?


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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Straight off the parts shelf actually , I tried planting a few but nothing came up.

This is Alabama anything not covered in wheel bearing grease will rust in about five minutes here, any way the cylinder is done, I ran a tap through all the bolt holes and scuffed off the gasket surfaces, it is bolt in ready , you know what it costs for shipping add that the $75.00 and send it I will message you with my paypal addy .

I might use that old cracked cylinder to practice tig welding on before I try to tig weld up stuff for real.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I'm looking to buy a TIG shortly. What kind do you have?
An ancient Lincoln 300/300 AC DC stick and tig welder with a watercooled torch, I haven't done anymore with it that try to strike an arc , I will have to go through the whole system and make sure the gas and water solenoid valves are working, replace the water hoses and I have to get a tank of Argon and all the consumables.


manic mechanic
Twin Lakes AR
An ancient Lincoln 300/300 AC DC stick and tig welder with a watercooled torch, I haven't done anymore with it that try to strike an arc , I will have to go through the whole system and make sure the gas and water solenoid valves are working, replace the water hoses and I have to get a tank of Argon and all the consumables.
Ok, I've been looking at some of the 'better' off-brand stuff. I don't need water cooled but pulse and spot would be nice. Looks like there is some decent home hobbyist stuff out these days for around $800. I'll be at 14-1500 with a bottle and extras.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yes the new square wave technology tig setups are supposed to be really good, I have considered just buying an air cooled torch setup for my Lincoln and going with that.
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