Other Crank bearing help?

I filled my engine up with water was was told if i dont get it all out the i could have a crank bearing failure, does that mean crank piston bearing? because thats what someone else said. Not too good when it comes to this stuff. anything helps!
From Idok yesterday " do it now

if you cannot run it by tomorrow you must either pickle the engine by filling it with premix....or, oil the :):):):) out of everything and turn it over frequently until you can run it...

but it needs to be ridden....and not just on the trailer

what you are trying to do is heat and agitate the engine so as to burn off any water still remaining in the system

good luck!

the longer it sits, the more likely you'lll have a crank bearing failure."
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i could have a crank bearing failure, does that mean crank piston bearing? because thats what someone else said.

it means anything that has steel in it is going to rust quickly.... pretty much overnight. the cylinder walls could show signs of rust as well as all the bearings. Because of the amount of revolutions a motor makes little bits of rust will grind into the components and cause failure.
just tried to dry start the ski with a hose, not only did water reenter the motor, i had water from about 3 days ago comming out. Safe to say I screwed myself over??
if you waited three days already, you got some probs. you should probably break that engine down and see what is what. and how did water "re-enter" the motor? you shouldn't have had the hose on until the engine starts. did you look at any instructions for how to start a ski after water gets in the engine... you gotta take the plugs out and turn it overto get as much water out as possible and then there's a few other things. as well


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
You screwed yourself over. Waiting 3 days is bad, and using a hose to flush your cooling isn't needed for starting the ski for a short time (up to 30sec. is fine). NEVER turn the hose on if the ski isn't running.

Dissasemble the motor now (YES, RIGHT NOW AS SOON AS YOU STOP READING THIS SENTANCE) and oil everything. Wrap the crank in a plastic bag once you've inspected it, to keep the oil contained. Scratch that - have someone experianced with 2-strokes inspect the parts, and tell you what to do.
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Yes I have. I had the ski running after that., then turned the hose on, then the ski died, but having the hose nozzle quite a bit aways wasnt the best idea and didnt make it in time to turn it off. Now i have it in a small body of water in the front yard. (big jacuzzi, fresh water, no chemicals) and i got it running but it wont stay running. it seems like theres a lot of pressure inside the engine and stops the crank from turning then when i take out a spark plug it runs fine. alsi seems like theres no gas getting to the carb, like its not sucking it at all. I tihnk its time to write down my problems and take it to a mechanic.. any thoughts?


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I'm going to have to disagree with the above advice. Normally I would agree but your case is different. It will cost you 3 times as much in parts/labor to rebuild that thing than what you can sell it for. If your ski was worth several thousand dollars than the above advice would apply, but since we're talking about a 1986 JS440, which is worth about $2-300 bucks in a running condition then I say get it started and run it until she blows
I'm going to have to disagree with the above advice. Normally I would agree but your case is different. It will cost you 3 times as much in parts/labor to rebuild that thing than what you can sell it for. If your ski was worth several thousand dollars than the above advice would apply, but since we're talking about a 1986 JS440, which is worth about $2-300 bucks in a running condition then I say get it started and run it until she blows
Haha I like the way you think! plus im hopeing to have 2 more running stand ups, a hull, and a working motorr comming my way soon, ill swap it out when the time comes.
im confused by your statements... your ski runs without a spark plug in?
if it's having trouble turning over try charging your battery. after getting water in the engine some starter fluid directly through the plug holes may help. also make sure your plugs are dry. you can take them out and put a match to them to see if it's water or gas.
I mean it tries to turn over without a spark plug, if both are in it will try for a little, then sounds like it builds up pressure, and stops cranking. then when I take the plug out, itll crank again. i put gas in the spark plug holes and it starts, then dies after about 5-10 seconds.
i would say keep pouring in some gas and try to keep it running... give it some throttle and get it running for as long as possible. then keep it running on the hose for an extended period of time like 30 minutes. and then try to go ride it.


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Try starting it with the plugs in but really loose. When you get it running, raining water will come out the threads.
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