There are a lot of reputable shops, even locally. It all depends what parts you use and how much of a discount they or you get. I use Pat bacuase he showed me how he does them, then he showed me how he phases and trues each one. There is a tolerance on truing, and he does them better than the book. I had a stocker that was WAY off from yamaha. FYI all cranks are trued, by all shops, they have to be. Not all cranks are welded. If they are going to be shipped via UPS or something, they should be. I appreciate all that he has done for us, and he lets each of us select the parts we want for the build. I will only use OEM beaaings, the one he is finsihing for us today is not. Thats what matters to me, could I get that service any place else? Maybe but not over the phone.