Crystal Beach this weekend


Your Momma's Lover
Only a true hi-jacker could turn a CB ride thread into a bi-racial/additional purchase thread...LMAO!

BTW.. I'm headed to Somerville Sunday morning for a few. I figure Mick has to work anywho.


Your Momma's Lover
Saddest part is.. its closer for me to go to Somerville. I have a couple peeps going with to hang or I would, though. If they bail, I'll call ya.

I changed the battery and plugs. I think that fixed my miss and I want to test it under load. Seems to start much easier. Plugs were bad but not horrendous.


Just plain me....
If that "one in the yard" is up on blocks, you sir are extreme trailer trash.

Hey peter be nice I resemble that statement. I like to call it my own personal Parts pile. At least thats what I tell the wife when she asks why I havn't trashed it yet.
The one in the yard is not up on blocks. It is actually a running ski. He just needs a bigger shop:icon16:
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