Custom PVC Beachcart


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Thanks guys.. Ya, we'll try these tires out this weekend and see how they hold up.. 90% of the way to the water is all grass/dirt/gravel.. As for the axle, it's just a reinforced threaded rod with carriers throughout the PVC.. Not bad for $160 in material, no plans, and about 2 hrs labor. Anyone know where to get the balloon tires for a decent price (just in case)?

So how much $$$ did you end up spending to make the cart?

See above
Thanks guys.. So i tried it out yesterday, and it worked flawlessly.. not going to worry about changing tires.. These ones gave me no problems. one thing i may do is slide a steal tube in through the PVC that the axle goes through jsut to give it more strength.. i did notice it bending a little bit over bumps and stuff.. other than that, it turned out to work great.
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I just built this cart but have not glued togather yet.. looks great.. seams like its sturdy..


One Of A K1nd
The Bay Area
That cart looks identical to the one i built for Mdelima353 (brother). FMF, if u dont already know, make sure u use alot of glue on those fittings, helps slow the drying time a little to give u a few more seconds working them all together.
Ya i went off your pic lol.. But i used my ski and trailer for my measurements. I glued my handle and stuff already.. but havent got to the cart yet kinda thinking it through before i mess up lmao! but all so good so far. ya lots of glue used so far.. I think it will work out great only 120 invested so far.. Tractor supply had tires on sale for 10 bucks.. and I used a steel rod with cotter keys for them to hold, as far as axle wise..
Also i used pvc pipe reducers to the size of my rod to take out the slop in tires..
Ill post a pic when all done..

Just work alot so kinda slow going togather..

Thanks for you pic by the way helped me out!
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